The Borough of Monmouth Beach is located on the eastern coast of Monmouth County, bordered by the City of Long Branch, the Borough of Sea Bright, the Shrewsbury River, and the Atlantic Ocean. Monmouth Beach is governed by a Mayor and commissioner system of government. The Borough consists of one and one-tenth square miles, and there are approximately four thousand residents in the town.
The Monmouth Beach Police Department was first established on May, 21, 1906. The department was manned by two town marshals, working twelve-hour days, between April and December. The marshals used bicycles, motorcycles, and private vehicles for transportation and patrol.
On July 28, 1953 the police department was reorganized, and twenty-four-hour, twelve month protection was established. The force consisted of a chief, a sergeant, and two patrolmen.
During the 1970's and 1980's the police department was enlarged to its present strength of ten police officers.
Police headquarters was originally shared as a meeting room and court until 1970, when it was enlarged to two rooms. In 1978 the department was moved to the rear of Borough and finally in 1990 the department was moved into its current location of 14 Willow Ave. The current police headquarters building was built with a donation of long time borough resident, Jay Ross.