Mission, Objects And Purposes
A. The Mission of the Federation is to:
-- Serve as the primary unifying communal organization that promotes the quality and values of Jewish life in Greater Harrisburg.
-- Promote the best interests and welfare of our Jewish community, while providing services to the Greater Harrisburg community as well.
-- Expand the community’s capacity to plan for and address the needs of individuals, agencies, congregations and organizations.
-- Support and strengthen the State of Israel.
-- Advance the unity of the Jewish people.
-- Address the needs of world Jewry.
B. The Federation shall, in addition to any other permissible activity, accomplish its mission by:
1. Identifying all sources of revenue; raising funds, budgeting, allocating and being accountable for those funds.
2. Identifying the needs of the Jewish community of Greater Harrisburg and initiating ways to meet them.
3. Establishing and supporting affiliated/related agencies to meet those needs.
4. Articulating and responding to the needs of Jews of Israel and other parts in the world.
5. Developing and maintaining relations with Jewish agencies, organizations and synagogues.
6. Creating among area Jews a sense of belonging and encouraging participation in the Greater Harrisburg Jewish community.
7. Promoting cooperative spirit among all the constituents of the Jewish community.
8. Developing consensus on issues and acting in a representative role, to create unity of purpose and action.
9. Providing programs which enhance our rich cultural and religious heritage, heighten an awareness of Jewish values and traditions, and meet social, recreational, educational, and cultural needs of the community.
10. Identifying and training leaders for the Federation, its affiliated/related agencies and the Jewish community.
11. Developing a community relations network to strengthen ties with the non-Jewish community.
12. Informing the Jewish community on timely issues.
13. Supporting the survival of the State of Israel.
C. The objects and purposes of the Federation shall be:
1. To promote the welfare of the Jewish community and to represent it in all matters of general Jewish interest.
2. To encourage, promote and coordinate the cultural, social, educational and philanthropic activities of the Jewish community.
3. To uphold the principles of democratic government and to help safeguard and defend the civil, economic, and religious rights of the Jewish people.
4. To coordinate the fundraising activities for the Federation and its related interests.
5. To promote mutual understanding with the community-at-large.
6. To provide new programs and agencies for carrying out these and related purposes and for meeting new needs as they may arise and to conduct any capital fund campaigns as may be required for the benefit of the entire community.
7. To serve as the central instrument in allocating and monitoring funds and providing support and assistance to its affiliated and related agencies.