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Hillsboro Airport
Farmer Gord grows quality food for those who appreciate good nutrition. Catering to eaters of Traditional Foods (such as WAPF), Gord loves to grow food for people. The heritage Tamworth pigs run free without rings in their noses, and they're not castrated. The chickens run free and so do the turkeys. The eggs are best raw in desserts. The dark, dark, meat and the strong bones of Gord's poultry is key to knowing you've got good nutrition. The vegetables are happily harvested only on the day of delivery, so they are freshest. Gord practices farming in the most sustainable way he can and is always looking for ways to improve. Gord's ultimate goal lies in Holzer style Permaculture.
Customizable with meat, chicken, eggs and vegetables. Gord provides a single/couple option or a family share - you'll get your money's worth - not at farmer's market prices, but at grocery store prices... and picked the day of delivery! Eggs are usually laid day of delivery, too.
CSA Details:
Season: April through October
Type: Single farm
Since: 2010
No of Shares: 25
Full Share: contact Gord
1/2 Share:
Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Farmer Gord
Contact: Gord Welch
Phone: 503-840-0873
Address: Hillsboro Airport, Hillsboro, OR 97262