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501 Main Street
Hans Bucher immigrated from Switzerland in 1735 and built a log cabin on a 325-acre tract of land. The area later was called "Bucher Thal" meaning Bucher's Valley. The present farmhouse at 325 Locust Street, which was built around 1855, replaced the original log cabin.
During the late 1700s, rich meadows embraced nearly the entire region. Farming was the chief occupation, although there also was an early mill and by 1774 a blacksmith shop. Other industries followed including a lime manufacturer, weaver's loom, cobbler shop and in 1840, a quarry operation.
A railroad station was built in the late 1800s and soon tradesmen began to locate in the area. A post office was established in 1868 in the depot. The settlement was called "Union Station." In 1881, with people tiring of being referred to as a railroad station, 19 year old Adam G. Brubaker examined the records of the post offices in the country and found only one with the name of Denver. The name of the area was officially changed to Denver on November 1, 1881.
On September 4, 1900, Denver officially incorporated as a Borough and elected the first Borough officials on October 9, 1900. A volunteer fire company was organized on April 16, 1902.
Denver Borough has continued to grow and prosper during the last 107 years. Industries today include manufacturers of hats, furniture, ladies knitwear, battery cables and extension cords, graphite products, woven materials and meats. Other businesses include a feed mill, pharmacy, bank, drug store, several garages, contractors and various professional services.
The school buildings have since consolidated into the Cocalico School District, which includes Denver Borough, Adamstown Borough, East Cocalico Township and West Cocalico Township. During 2000, Denver Borough celebrated its Centennial Anniversary with a full agenda of monthly activities and events' including a Founder's Day Banquet, a Local Government Day and a Progress Candlelight Service.
"Denver at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century. An Updated History of Denver, Pennsylvania from the Earliest Times to the Year 2000," by Willis L. Shirk, Jr. tracks the growth of Denver Borough from 1975 until the present with excerpts from both long time residents and new residents. In the words of the author Willis Shirk the popularly styled community history "will simultaneously preserve the records of Denver's past, promote pride in Denver's present and perpetrate a sense of community as Denver embarks upon the great adventure of the Twenty-First Century."
Denver's future is bright, with a renewed commitment toward zoning, economic development and community revitalization. The Borough works well with surrounding communities and enhanced park and recreation system.