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Cranbury Township

23-A North Main Street

About the Township:

Cranbury is one of the oldest towns in New Jersey. While it is believed that there were settlers in Cranbury (then known as Cranberry and Cranberry Town) as early as 1680, a deed of sale between Josiah Prickett and John Harrison dated March 1, 1698 for land "with all improvements" indicates buildings on the land and early settlement. Cranbury celebrated its 300th anniversary in 1997.

On March 7, 1872, Cranbury Township was officially created and organized as a political subdivision of Middlesex County, consisting of the village of Cranbury and outlying areas, which were then parts of South Brunswick and Monroe Townships. On August 9, 1979, Cranbury was named a State Historic District, and on September 18, 1980 it was designated a National Historic District. At that time it was said to be "the best preserved 19th century village in Middlesex County." The significance of Cranbury's historic district is inextricably tied to its agricultural setting. The village was built to serve the surrounding farm community, and its importance is directly related to that farmland. One of the most attractive draws to Cranbury Township is its commitment to preserving open space. Presently, 75% of available farmland is preserved.

While maintaining its roots, Cranbury has grown in recent years to include business projects such as factory outlets, warehouses and office buildings on its outer rim. New housing developments have attracted seniors and young families. The population of the Township has grown in recent years: The 1990 Census figures were: 2,500 and the 2000 Census figures were: 3,227. Cranbury Township is located in southern Middlesex County and is 13.4 square miles. The Township is bordered by South Brunswick, Monroe, Plainsboro and East Windsor Township and Hightstown.

Recent News

Cranbury Township News: Stream Cleanup - April 22nd

Stream Cleanup - April 22nd Pre-registration required. Please see Flyer for…

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Cranbury Township News - 2023 Summer Camp

2023 Summer Camp Registration for Cranbury Summer Camp opens March 10, 2023 at Noon! Click the links below for Registration Packets: Little Tykes Registration Packet Junior Camp Registration Packet Senior Camp Registration Packet…

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