Mission Statement :
The New Castle City Parks offer recreational facilities to serve the needs of the community. Superintendent Ayers expects to be a part of a creative strategy in the parks, with a recreational commitment that rewards the community. In doing so, he will strive to create a park environment that is safe, has a challenging play experience, and meets the needs of the community The park staff will take extreme care in an effort to address the recreational needs of the community and eagerly looks forward to serving your needs in the future.
The New Castle Park system consists of eight parks, with the largest being Baker Park to the south and Osborne Park to the north. There are also as many as nine additional pieces of land which fall under park responsibility. Opportunities for family outdoor recreation are tremendous.
In 2004, the Park Department established a private nursery for growing trees, flowers and shrubs to make it possible for the city to reduce expenses while adding beauty throughout the community. These plantings will be used to increase the number of trees on city properties as well as replace fallen trees. It is hoped that the project will be so successful that it might generate additional income for the department in the future.
The Park Department consists of a Superintendent, two full time employees and several part time employees utilized during the mowing season. Duties include maintenance of the city swimming pool and all park facilities, including mowng of all city park lands and fire stations, general cleanup, and plowing snow for parks and other city facilities.