Albany's heritage is intertwined with its location along the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, its temperate climate and its unique natural features. This environment supported the City's first known residents, a tribe of Native Americans known as the Costanoans (coast dwellers) or Ohlone, who lived at the base of Albany Hill along Cerrito Creek. Shell fragments and grinding rocks found at Creekside Park serve as a reminder of these people who lived in the Albany area until the early 19th Century, when the Spanish land barons arrived in California.
The City of Albany is in the process of updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) and is seeking public input. Review the draft 2023 LHMP here. The City is required to have a CalOES- and FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan in order…
Read More »Recently several businesses on Solano have been the victims of vandalism by having their windows broken and some have even been burglarized. Thankfully, no one was injured but these crimes do create a significant unanticipated cost for our business…
Read More »Crime Prevention Tips for Businesses and Commercial Properties Due to the recent commercial burglaries in Albany, the Albany Police Department (APD) is providing safety and crime prevention tips intended to serve local businesses and commercial…
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