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Chapter 13 Poet Society

Chapter 13 Poets Society / Elite Poets Writers & Artist Group

We are a Vision dedicated for the Art of Spoken words' we encourage Poets, Writers, Photographers and Artist that 'Inspiration does not come from the mind itself, but rather the persons imagination behind it.'

Among our goals is the desire to bring together Music, Art & Poetry and the appreciation of the spoken word to surrounding communities, and to promote individual growth. We offer opportunities and forums for all poets to express themselves in an encouraging atmosphere.


We come from all walks of life with a common link: the love of words!

Your work will be show cased in our website and enter to win a spot on our year book showcasing your original work for The 13/Elite Writers & Artist Group. We have monthly contest with no participating fee at all!
Join us on Facebook at and visit our website
Words have no power to impress the mind without a Poet and without a Artist nothing becomes reality. Evelyn Leilou Colon, Founder/Owner.

Poet, Artist & Writer