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Two tournaments at the same time...
Register your team today for the 27 July 2013 Top Gun Tournament in Meadville, PA
TOP GUN: $200 entry fee
"TOP GUN" is a tournament specifically designed for adults. There are two brackets, one for men and one for women. These tournaments are not for persons playing or wanting to play amateur athletics. These specific brackets offer the 1st place team, for both men and women, a $1,250 prize and a 2nd place prize of $250. Again, this will render the winning team ineligible to participate in amateur athletics from that point forward.
AMATEUR//HAVE FUN: $35 entry fee
This tournament is specifically designed for persons wanting to retain their amateur status and/or just to have fun. The 1st place team will win a very nice trophy while the 2nd place team will win a medal. Again, there is not a cash reward and will not negatively affect any persons eligibility.