
What's Happening At Christ Church Uniting - March 2, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

March 3, 2023

From: Christ Church Uniting


Sunday Worship In-Person & Online
Join us for our Worship Service! Find us this Sunday at 10am HT in person and online via FB live.
Our guest Preacher for this week will be Chaplain MacArthur Flournoy

Season Of Lent
Beginning on Sunday, February 26th, CCU will begin a hybrid form of Communion in our worship service.  During the season of Lent, we will again invite worshipers to come to the Table to break bread, dip it in the cup, and greet each other—as was our practice pre-COVID.  The plastic Communion cups will still be available, both at the Table and outside the Sanctuary, for those most comfortable continuing to partake of Communion in that fashion. 
As we make this change, we invite you to share your feedback with Paul Belanger, Worship and Music Elder.

Adult Education Series: Eclipsing Empire
Beginning January 8, join us Sunday mornings at 8:30A in the ?Ohana Room. 

Eclipsing the Empire traces the Apostle Paul's journey through the Roman Empire. Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan give fresh insights into Paul's message.

Family Promise
"Family Promise is holding its free annual Supporter Appreciation event on Thursday, March 30, 4:30 - 6:30 pm at Central Union Church Parish Hall. This event celebrates all volunteers from the past year. Light pupus and drinks will be served, along with entertainment.

RSVP online by March23: 

Aloha Hour
Join us every Sunday following the service for snacks and fellowship!

An Invitation to Listen to a Round-table Discussion About Character Education

You are invited to attend a discussion about the inter-connection of moral principles and faith.  This discussion will be filmed for inclusion in the Olelo series “Now That you Asked Me” produced by Merritt Sakata and will take place in the CCU sanctuary on Wednesday, March 8 at 7:00 pm.

Joining me in this conversation are the Rev. Lauren Buck-Medeiros (current Chaplain at Punahou); the Rev. David Baumgart-Turner (current minister at the  Church of the Crossroads) both being instrumental in starting the character education curriculum  at Punahou; Jimmy Toyama (Buddhist and mindfulness teacher); and several who haven’t confirmed the date but who earlier expressed a willingness to participate - Marion Lyman-Mersereau (co-author of the Punahou  curriculum, former Punahou faculty, and mindfulness teacher); Dr. Ramdas Lamb (Hindu and member of the U. H. religion department); Sister Malia Dominic (Catholic Nun); and Ms. Masago Asai (Buddhist and president of the Hawai’i Religions for Peace).

I hope you’ll plan to join us and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have concerns or questions.
Aloha,  John Heidel - 808-261-4585


Support CCU

Mahalo NUI to all who continue to support CCU with monetary gifts! 
Please start making your pledges for 2023.
Please continue to mail and / or donate online
Please note that online donations charge a small percentage for processing, or you can choose to pay that percentage for the church.

Please consider signing up to provide flowers for Sunday worship.
March flower slots are FULL! Thank you to all who signed up, great job!

Greeters & Scripture Readers Needed

We are seeking greeters & scripture readers for Sunday morning Worship. Please use this link to sign up.
Open Dates:
March 5 - Scripture Reader
March 19 - Scripture Reader, Elder on Duty

CCU Feed My Sheep Basket
Bring your non-perishable food (canned meat, boxed cereal, bags rice, canned vegetables, canned fruit, etc.) and place them in the basket at the front of the sanctuary. Your donation helps families in Kailua.


Send Your Prayer Requests
to [email protected] so we can be in prayer together as a community. These will be added to the prayer list and shared in our Monday prayer email.
To have your prayer included in the Monday prayer list, please submit your prayers before Thursday. Emails received after Thursday will will be included the following week.


Leadership Structure
Please find the 2023 Leadership Structure for 2023 here

PNC Update
At the Regular Meeting of Council on January 28, 2023, Council voted to call a Special Congregational Meeting for March 12, 2023, to vote on the Terms of Call for the Reverend Kate Lynn Hogue to serve as the next settled pastor for CCU.  Pastor Kate will share the message during worship on that Sunday, and the Special Congregational Meeting will be immediately following the worship service.  The proposed Terms of Call and a cover memo can be found at this link.  You can also find an “About Me” page Pastor Kate shared at this link. Additionally, the sermon video Pastor Kate shared with the PNC can be found at this link.  We hope you enjoy getting to know Pastor Kate as much as we did. 

If you have any questions regarding the proposed Terms of Call between now and the meeting on March 12, 2023, please reach out to Dianne Brookins.

CCU Sunday Parking

The CCU Council approved a month-to-month agreement with the FarmLovers Market  for use of the makai side of the CCU parking lot on Sunday mornings 8 am to 12 pm. The CCU lot will serve as overflow parking for the weekly market now located at Adventist Health Castle.  For more info about the market:  
Please direct questions to Beth Davidann @ 808-371–5594.

Support Blue Lotus
Located on CCU campus, Blue Lotus seeks to bring yoga, health, and wellness to the community of Kailua.

Click here to learn more about Blue Lotus. Discover opportunities to practice wellness.

CCU Covid Policy
Council reviewed the CCU COVID-19 Policy on January 28, 2023 and has voted to keep the current policy: wearing a mask continues to be optional. The full policy can be read on the CCU website, here.

Did You Miss It? Catch Up

Community Resources
Visit our Community Resource page to view information on community resources that are available on an ongoing basis (and mentioned in previous weekly CCU emails).

CCU Has A Church App!
For those of you who use their phones as more than just a phone, CCU now has a Church App! Use this link to download, then create your user login to stay plugged in to CCU!