
Town of Sharon Newsletter - January 2023

Government and Politics

January 30, 2023

From: Town Of Sharon

Sharon Green Committee's Granite Project Part Two

The granite has been ordered for the second part of the Sharon Green Committee's Granite Project (Main Street side). Work is scheduled to begin in early May and continue into the summer. Read the Green Committee's minutes for details.

Comcast Contract

Preferred final contract language has been submitted from our town attorneys to the Comcast attorneys. We expect an update and/or response from Comcast for our February 14th meeting.

Town Hall Parking Lot Project

Planning and Zoning will hold a hearing on the EV Charging Stations (2 units/charging 4 cars) and the ARPA-funded Town Hall generator on February 8th. Other aspects of the project are currently paused.

Sharon ARPA Funds

No allocations were approved in January.

Town Hall Elevator

The Town Hall Elevator pump failed in late December causing several town board/committee meeting cancelations and is the reason for the relocation of our meetings to the community hall/teen center.

The Building Official/Fire Marshal obtained two proposals from Otis Elevator to correct the issue and at our January 12th meeting it was decided to go with his recommendation to completely replace both the pump and motor. The Board of Finance agreed, and we are currently waiting on Otis Elevator to start & complete the work and the State inspector to certify the work once it is done.

Town Hall Holidays

At our January 12th meeting Selectman Flanagan brought up the issue of paid holidays for Town Employees. We follow the State schedule and calendar. In reviewing the current holidays, he suggested that the day after Thanksgiving be added as a paid holiday. The motion passed, with all in favor.


Selectman Jones reported that he has received preliminary pricing for replacing 90% of the town sidewalks with concrete and rest with asphalt. Selectman Jones is working with the Northwest Council of Governments on a T.R.I.P application (the State program for small-town improvements to infrastructure). He stated that he will have a draft application for the board to review by our February 14th meeting.

Speed Humps

Pricing on Speed Humps is being explored/requested. Price estimates will be shared via budget workshop discussions, and the concept of adding speed humps to Hilltop Road will be decided via the 2022/23 budget.

Speed Sign at Hospital Hill Road and King Hill Road

Our board is considering the addition of a speed sign at Hospital Hill and King Hill. This intersection is dangerous and deserves the discussion. Our ask to you is your opinion and if positive, where the stop sign is placed... coming down Hospital Hill or heading up Hospital Hill from King Road.

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

January 12th

January 24th

Things To Be Aware Of-

Sharon Housing Trust Forum on Affordable Housing (January 15)

The community forum at the Sharon Playhouse Bok Gallery on January 15th was well attended and the vibe was very positive.

Sharon Housing Trust website.

The Selectmen Continue to Support Maintaining all Vital Services at Sharon Hospital

We continue to support all that are assisting in the effort to maintain vital services at Sharon Hospital.

Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station

Up-to-date information is available via the Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station website.

Affordable Housing

The Sharon Housing Affordability Plan 

Sharon Fire Department, Inc. Engine 3

The Sharon Fire Department is currently fundraising to replace Engine 3.

Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 357, Sharon CT 06069. 

2023 calendars to support the Fire Department and Engine #3 are available in the Town Clerk Office and at Sharon Pharmacy.

Town Information & Events

Visit- https://www.sharonct.org/


COVID Information

Stay informed!  Opt-in today to receive COVID-19 alerts and updates.

Text COVIDCT to 888-777 or sign up at http://ct.gov/covidupdates. This is the best way to stay up-to-date and current.

Sharon Center School-

January Newsletter

Please take a look at what's happening at Sharon Center School. January edition of News from the Nest.  

Sharon Center School Mural Project.

Road Work and Maintenance-


-Roadside drainage

-Roadside tree trimming and chipping

-Addressing potholes and ice issues

Town Trees

-Our Town Tree Warden, Town Crew, and Field Tree Service have continued working hard to clear dead and dangerous trees all over town. Work is currently being done on Bowne Road and East Street.

-Lewis Tree will alert residents in the West Woods sections of the town of tree work that they plan to do there this summer.

History Share-

Herrick Road, Sharon Connecticut- Summer home to an electric genius... Frank J. Sprague.

Otis may have come up with the elevator concept, but Frank J. Sprague helped perfect it. And then he sold it to Otis in the 1890's. ;)

Many people don't know about Frank J. Sprague, but he played a significant role in transformers(ac/dc), trolleys, railroads, elevators, and was a key reason why Manhattan was able to run underground (railroad/subway) and rise (high rise/elevators) above the ground.

Well worth the read- Frank J. Sprague and the electric elevator. Great photo of his house and his family in Sharon via the PDF link.