Government and Politics
March 2, 2023
From: Town Of Sharon
Dear {First Name},
The Board of Selectmen Report follows up on topics we shared with you last month and things we've been working on and discussing since then. If you have a specific topic that you want to know more about, feel free to call 860-364-5789 or email me at [email protected].
What's Happened Since Our Last Newsletter-
Sharon Green Committee's Granite Project Part Two
-Work is scheduled to begin in May and continue into the summer. Read the Green Committee's minutes for details.
Comcast Contract
-Following our discussion at the February 14th meeting and the follow ups afterward, new final contract language was submitted from the Comcast attorneys to our town attorneys last night. We discussed the contract and Exhibit A at our meeting this afternoon and will meet Thursday at 1:45 to potentially finalize an agreement. We're close. Nikki Blass was hired as the Contract Performance Manager.
Town Hall Parking Lot Project
-Planning and Zoning approved the EV Charging Stations (2 units/charging 4 cars) and the ARPA-funded Town Hall generator on February 8th. Other aspects of the project are currently paused.
Sharon ARPA Funds
-No allocations were approved in February.
Town Hall Elevator
The Town Hall Elevator is back in service.
Town Health Department & Health Districts
Michael Crespan, our current Health Director and member of the Housatonic Valley Health District Board of Directors and Jamie Casey, our Health Department Sanitarian and Office Assistant, were present at our February 14th meeting to discuss Health Districts and how the Housatonic Valley Health District operates and what services they offer. Full details via our meeting minutes: February 14th meeting.
Selectman Jones reported that he continues working with the Northwest Council of Governments on a T.R.I.P application (the State program for small-town improvements to infrastructure) to replace all town asphalt sidewalks with concrete. Pricing and the draft application were reviewed at our February 14th meeting and SEEC member, Michael Nadeau offered to help with protecting tree roots should the project move forward.
Speed Humps
Two price estimates have been delivered. The first estimate was $36,000 and the second estimate was $27,700. These prices do not include signage and road painting. Further estimates and information will be shared via budget workshop discussions, and the decision to add or not add speed humps to Hilltop Road will be decided via the 2023/24 budget.
Stop Sign at Hospital Hill Road and King Hill Road
This intersection is dangerous and deserves attention. A stop sign will be placed at the base of Hospital Hill & King Road with a "Stop Ahead" sign before it as soon as possible.
Roadside Invasive Plants
Sharon SEEC members Michael Nadeau, Lyn Mattoon, and Roger Liddell expressed concerns about roadside invasive plants and their spread. A road ride is being coordinated with the road crew to go over the issue and available solutions.
Things To Be Aware Of-
Sharon Green Keeper
The Town's Green Keeper has announced that he will be retiring March 15, 2023. This position includes working with the Road Crew when needed. The job description has been reviewed and approved. The Help Wanted Ad will appear in the Lakeville Journal over the next three weeks. The Job Application is available at the Selectmen's Office and on the website.
Special Town Meeting on March 16th at 6pm
-Accept/approve June 30, 2022 financial report
-Adopt proposed amendment to Ordinance- Sharon Energy & Environment Commission
-Allocate $15,000 from Silly Putty Funds- for exterior mural at Sharon Center School
Sharon Housing Trust and the Community Center
At our February 14th meeting, Selectman Flanagan stated that the Sharon Housing Trust would like to explore converting the Community Center at 99 North Main Street into Affordable Housing. He is not endorsing this idea but wants them to pursue it- and encourages them to do information gathering. The BOS is still looking at all possibilities, not just this offer.
From the Assessors Office
Applications for property tax credit are available at the Assessor’s office. To qualify, a homeowner must meet the following criteria:
A homeowner must live in the home for which the credit is being sought and have owned the home on or before October 1, 2022.
A homeowner must have reached the age of 65 by the end of 2022, although totally disabled homeowners are eligible regardless of age.
The income limits are: Single $40,300 Married $ 49,100
Proof of all income received for 2022 must be provided. If you file an Income Tax Return, a copy must be provided. If you receive Social Security benefits, a copy of your SSA 1099 must be provided. The filing period is February 1, 2023 through May 15, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s office. Office hours are Monday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Deborah Prindle Hanlon and Michael Taylor have been appointed to the Board of Assessment Appeals as Alternates with terms to November 19, 2023.
The Selectmen Continue to Support Maintaining all Vital Services at Sharon Hospital
We continue to support all that are assisting in the effort to maintain vital services at Sharon Hospital.
Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station
Up-to-date information is available via the Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station website.
Affordable Housing
The Sharon Housing Affordability Plan
Square & Contra Dance this Saturday
Taghhannuck Grange in Sharon is having a Square & Contra Dance on Saturday, March 4th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM featuring caller Bob Livingston accompanied by the band "Relatively Sound!". The Hall is located at 7 Dunbar Road, Sharon CT. 06069 off Route #4 between Sharon and Cornwall Bridge.
This is fun for the whole family with brief dance instruction before each dance. There is a suggested donation is $5 child, $10 adult, $20 family. Refreshments will be provided.
Proceeds from the dance will be used to help pay for our community service projects such use of the internet for free at our Hall, giving dictionaries to third graders in four towns, donating to the local food banks and other charities.
Sharon Fire Department, Inc. Engine 3
The Sharon Fire Department is currently fundraising to replace Engine 3.
Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 357, Sharon CT 06069.
2023 calendars to support the Fire Department and Engine #3 are available in the Town Clerk Office and at Sharon Pharmacy.
Town Information & Events
COVID Information
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Sharon Center School-
February Newsletter
Please take a look at what's happening at Sharon Center School. February edition of News from the Nest
Sharon Center School Mural Project. At our February 14th meeting the BOS recommended to the BOF the release of $15,000 of the Silly Putty Funds to be allocated for the exterior mural project at Sharon Center School with the condition that a committee be formed showing a clear vision for this project and that the Board members be a balance of individuals from the community and school.
Road Work and Maintenance-
-Cleaning of roadside drainage areas
-Roadside tree trimming and chipping
-Boom mowing to cut back vines and brush encroaching into roadsides
-Addressing potholes and ice issues
Town Trees
-Our Town Tree Warden, Town Crew, and Field Tree Service have continued working hard to clear dead and dangerous trees all over town. Work is now complete on Bowne Road and Sharon Mountain Road.
-Lewis Tree will alert residents in the West Woods sections of the town of tree work that they plan to do there this summer.
History Share-
Photo of the Sharon Center School shortly after its completion in 1923. Happy 100th Anniversary!