Government and Politics
February 7, 2023
From: Town of ManchesterManchester Signs Grand List
The October 1, 2022 Grand List for the Town of Manchester was signed on Monday, January 30, 2023. This list is the total of all net taxable assessments of motor vehicles, personal property and real estate in Manchester. Motor vehicles and personal property are valued annually, while real estate is valued as of Manchester’s October 1, 2021 Town-wide revaluation.
MyHomeCT Program
The MyHomeCT Program offers help to eligible Connecticut homeowners by paying mortgage and/or other qualified housing expenses.This can include a reinstatement, up to 12 months of forward payments, or a combination of both.
February Board Meetings
Board of Directors
Feb. 7 & 14 at 7pm
Board of Education
Feb. 13 & 27 at 7pm
Town Prepares to Adopt Community Vision with “Manchester Next”
A draft of Manchester Next, the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), will soon be available!
A community open house and presentation to allow members of the public to get familiar with the draft POCD and provide questions and feedback is scheduled for the following dates:
Wed. Feb. 15 Drop-in Hours from 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm at WORK_SPACE, 901 Main Street. Presentation: 7:00 pm
Please RSVP at [email protected] or 860-647-3044
Thurs. Feb. 16 Drop-in Hours from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm at Eastside Neighborhood Resource Center, 153 Spruce Street.
Website for Interested Investors & Stakeholders
The Town of Manchester launched a new website for potential investors and stakeholders who are interested in investing in bonds issued by the Town. This website will be useful to anyone seeking to better understand the credit fundamentals of the Town of Manchester, as all the Town's financial reporting, from budgets to annual reports, is accessible within the site.
Join our Team!
Current Town of Manchester job openings include: Director of Assessment, Maintainer I, Police Officer, SCADA Support Specialist, and School Crossing Guard.
Manchester Greater Together Community Fund Seeks New Members