
The Willowwood Foundation Presents the 7th Annual Tubbs Lecture at Willowwood Arboretum

Clubs and Organizations

April 10, 2023

From: Morris County Park Commission

Join Renowned Horticulturalist Vincent Simeone For a Fascinating Lecture

On Sunday, April 23, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., join Tom Molnar PhD, renowned plant breeder for the 7th Annual Tubbs Lecture at Willowwood Arboretum in Chester Township. Eligible for 2.0 Rutgers Master Gardener CEU’s. 

Tom Molnar will provide a fascinating look into the dogwood breeding program at Rutgers University over the past 50 years.  Starting with the release of the initial “hybrid” dogwoods in the ‘80’s, Tom will discuss the efforts to create the beautiful dark pink Scarlet Fire® Dogwood (pictured above) and a look into Dogwood releases to come!  Learn too how a Dogwood at Willowwood Arboretum was instrumental in the breeding program from the very beginning!

The annual Tubbs Lecture honors the memory of Henry and Robert Tubbs, creators of ‘Willowwood Farm’. Admission is $25 per person, and pre-registration is required and a tour with Dr. Molnar of the Dogwoods at the Arboreta will follow. For more information and directions to the Willowwood Arboretum, visit www.morrisparks.net, or call 973.326.7601.