Arts and Entertainment
March 2, 2023
From: The Umbrella Community Arts Centerline-up of LIVE DEMOS
We're delighted to announce the line-up of LIVE DEMOS for this year's Open Studios! Drop by on March 18 and 19 from 12-5pm to meet our artists, learn about their process, take in a live demo, and share in celebrating their work.
Saturday, March 18
Jean Lightman, Oil Painting/Studio 306A - 1-1:30pm
Paul Ruhlman, Woodworking/Makerspace - 2-2:30pm
Barbara Willis, Fiber Arts/Studio 210 - 3-3:30pm
Sunday, March 19
Katie Bosley Sabin, Ceramicist/2nd floor hallway,
outside Ceramic Sale (224) - 1-2pm
Paul Ruhlman, Woodworking/Makerspace - 3-3:30pm
Lonnie Harvey, Printmaking/Studio 111 - 4-4:30pm
PLUS don't forget to check out Openings: New Works by Umbrella Studio Artists, an annual exhibition in the Main Gallery culminating in The Umbrella Open Studios weekend!
Come to The Umbrella for FREE Family Fun!
Saturday, March 4 from 12-2pm
This month we will be making salamander/amphibian buttons to celebrate the great amphibian migration in our local ecosystem! Participants are encouraged to wear these buttons to the April 22 Earth Day Celebration.
Drop by any time during the two-hour time block to partake in the arts & environment related craft led by our talented art instructors.
Open to all ages and abilities. RSVP's appreciated.