Arts and Entertainment
March 17, 2025
From: The Los Angeles Times Festival of BooksJoin us for the The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books!!
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, April 26, 2025
09:55 am: Poetry Stage Emcees: Elena Karina Byrne and Marty L. Williams
10:00 am: Children's Stage Emcees: Andrew and Polly
10:00 am: Airea D. Matthews, reading from 'Bread and Circus'
10:00 am: Growing Pains: Family, Culture, and Race in Young Adult Fiction
10:00 am: L.A. Times Stage Emcee: Stuart K Robinson
10:00 am: Festival Kickoff with the Trojan Marching Band
10:15 am: Pete Oswald and **** Tran, authors of 'Cranky Makes a Friend'
10:20 am: Remica Bingham-Risher, reading from 'Room Swept Home'
10:30 am: I'm the Problem, It's Me: Heroes and Antiheroes in Fiction
10:30 am: amor Towles, author of 'Table for Two,' in conversation with Donna Wares
10:30 am: Undocumented: The Price of the Promised Land
10:30 am: Standouts in Audio: A Conversation with the Audiobook Award Finalists
10:30 am: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words: Appreciation for the Graphic Novel
10:30 am: Get in the Ring: Women, Friendship, and Multiple Points of View in Fiction
10:30 am: Mellody Hobson, author of 'Priceless Facts About Money,' in conversation with Tonya Mosley
10:30 am: The Literary Life: Connecting the Creative, Critical, and Personal
10:30 am: Birth of the Earth: The Moon, the Planets, and a New Vision of Our Home on Earth
10:30 am: Ask A Reporter: Explore the Great Outdoors
10:30 am: Hora de cuentos con la Biblioteca Pública de Los Ángeles
10:40 am: Cindy Juyoung Ok, reading from 'Ward Toward'
10:50 am: Storytime with the Los Angeles Public Library
11:00 am: Strong Female Lead: Gritty Women, Haunted Pasts in Crime Fiction
11:00 am: Brooke Williamson, author of 'Sun-Kissed Cooking,' Cooking Demo
11:00 am: Fiction is Stranger than Truth: Politics and Society in Fantasy and Sci-Fi
11:00 am: Alison C. Rollins, reading from 'Black Bell'
11:00 am: Clips and conversation with the team behind the New York Times bestseller 'Long Bright River,' presented by Sony Pictures Television
11:00 am: Defining Moments: Novels About Identity, Desire, and the Turning Points in Our Lives
11:00 am: Hollywood in the Golden Age: Sex, Scandal, and the Making of an Industry
11:05 am: Lil' Libros Storytime with J. Roman Perez
11:10 am: Aspen Jacobsen (musical performance-pop-folk)
11:20 am: High Intensity, Even Higher Stakes: Fantastical Worlds and Underworlds in Young Adult Fiction
11:20 am: David St. John, reading from 'Prayer for My Daughter: Poems'
11:20 am: Stacey Abrams, author of 'Stacey Speaks Up'
11:40 am: Consuelo Wise, reading from 'boy'
11:40 am: Joanna 'JoJo' Levesque, author of 'Over the Influence: A Memoir,' in conversation with Deborah Vankin
11:45 am: Ask A Reporter: Is Hollywood Poised for a Comeback?
11:45 am: A Life in Essays: Essayists Writing Memoir
11:50 am: Kiese Laymon, author of 'City Summer, Country Summer'
12:00 pm: The State of Housing in L.A. and Beyond
12:00 pm: Crusader, Dreamer, Trailblazer: Biographies of Fierce 20th Century Women
12:00 pm: Genre is For the Girls: Legendary Feminist Authors in the YA Historical, Fantasy, and Romance Genres
12:00 pm: First Loves, Second Chances in Contemporary Fiction
12:00 pm: Fact Check: Fake News, Lies and Propaganda
12:00 pm: Griffin Dunne, author of 'The Friday Afternoon Club' and Matthew Specktor, author of 'The Golden Hour,' in conversation with David L. Ulin
12:00 pm: Alternatives to Apocalypse: A More Hopeful Climate Future
12:00 pm: Ariana Benson, reading from 'Black Pastoral'
12:00 pm: Finding the Words: Loss, Grief, and Memoir
12:20 pm: Chloe Antoinette (musical performance-alternative rock)
12:30 pm: Stranger, Freer, More Beguiling: The Artful Side of Fantasy and Sci-Fi
12:30 pm: Ideas Exchange: amanda Gorman, author of 'Girls on the Rise,' in conversation with Jenny Gold
12:30 pm: Roy Choi, author of 'The Choi of Cooking, Cooking Demo
12:30 pm: The Best Kind of Hell: Relationships in Contemporary Fiction
12:30 pm: Inclusivity is a Celebration: Gender and Identity in Contemporary Literature
12:30 pm: L.A. Times Book Prize in Poetry Finalists Roundtable
12:30 pm: Both-And: Standing Out, Fitting In, and Coming of Age in Contemporary Fiction
12:30 pm: Full Steam Ahead: Turning up the Heat with Romance's Spiciest Novels
12:35 pm: Platoon Presents: Megan Piphus
12:40 pm: Drawn from Life: Gender, Identity, and Culture in Young Adult Graphic Novels
12:45 pm: Comida and Community
12:50 pm: Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo, authors of 'How to Giggle,' in conversation Alyssa Bereznak
01:00 pm: Danez Smith, reading from 'Bluff'
01:00 pm: Ask A Reporter: Confessions of a Crime Reporter
01:05 pm: Laura Numeroff, author of 'Max and Mama'
01:20 pm: Kim Dower, reading from 'WHAT SHE WANTS: Poems on Obsession, Desire, Despair, Euphoria'
01:30 pm: Exit Stage Left: Memoirs from Before and After the Cameras are Rolling
01:30 pm: In Her Shoes: Sisterhood in Contemporary Fiction
01:30 pm: Rachel Kushner, author of 'Creation Lake,' and Katie Kitamura, author of 'Audition' in conversation with Carolyn Kellogg
01:30 pm: Performances by The Trojan Men and Sirens A Cappella (musical performance-a cappella)
01:30 pm: Climate Justice and Racial Equity
01:30 pm: Live, Laugh, Scream: Family Secrets in Crime Fiction
01:30 pm: Pico lyer, author of 'Aflame,' in conversation with Miwa Messer
01:30 pm: Family Sleuths: Historical Biographies and Untold Family Histories
01:30 pm: Write to Remember: Memoir as Witness in Times of Turmoil
01:35 pm: Cuentos y Esperanza: A Bilingual Storytime with St. Jude and Sí Sabo Kids
01:40 pm: Elizabeth Jacobson, reading from 'There Are as Many Songs in the World as Branches of Coral'
01:45 pm: Dreaming Up Dark Realities and Alternate Worlds
02:00 pm: The F Words: Family, Fame, and [Mis] Fortune in Contemporary Fiction
02:00 pm: Inequity in america
02:00 pm: Mark Irwin, reading from 'Once When Green'
02:00 pm: Krysten Ritter, author of 'RETREAT: A novel,' in conversation
02:00 pm: amanda Knox, author of 'Free: My Search for Meaning,' in conversation with amy Kaufman
02:00 pm: Christina Tosi, author of 'Bake Club, Cooking Demo
02:00 pm: Rumpus and Mayhem: Adventure and Mystery in Middle Grade Fiction
02:00 pm: The Gospel Truth: An Exploration Into Religion
02:00 pm: Don't Touch That: Magical Objects, Mysterious Portals in Fiction
02:05 pm: David Mas Masumoto and Nikiko Masumoto, authors of 'Every Peach Is a Story'
02:15 pm: Ask A Reporter: Fast Break Desk in Action
02:20 pm: Louise Mathias, reading from 'What if the Invader Is Beautiful'
02:30 pm: Rebecca Yarros, author of 'Onyx Storm,' in conversation with Rachel Howzell Hall
02:35 pm: Ben Falcone, author of 'What's Scarier Than Thunder?'
02:40 pm: Wildflower (musical performance-indie pop-rock)
02:40 pm: Gabrielle Civil, reading from 'In and Out of Place: Mexico-Performance-Writing'
02:45 pm: Borders and Beyond: An Exploration of Migration and its Realities
03:00 pm: Self-Portrait of the Artist: Existential Memoirs of Womanhood
03:00 pm: One Page at a Time: Books, Bans, and Resistance in the 21st Century
03:00 pm: Sonny Vaccaro and the Birth of Modern Sports Marketing
03:00 pm: Joseph Fasano, reading from 'The Magic Words, The Last Song of the World'
03:00 pm: The Activist Spirit and the Embodiment of Solidarity
03:00 pm: Stay Golden: Writers on the Myth, Majesty, and Mayhem of California
03:00 pm: The Terroir Memoir: Cooking, Culture, and Place
03:00 pm: The Future of the University
03:05 pm: Kwame Mbalia, author of 'Captain america: Brave New World: A Hero Looks Like You'
03:10 pm: amy Schneider, author of 'WHO IS amY SCHNEIDER? Questions on Growing up, Being Curious, and Winning it Big on Jeopardy!,' in conversation with Vanessa Franko
03:20 pm: Growing Up is Hard to Do: Family, Friendship, and Lessons in Middle Grade Fiction
03:30 pm: Ask A Reporter: How to Rebuild L.A. for a Climate-Changed Future
03:30 pm: Lifestyles of the Rich and Less-Famous: Memoirs of Cultural Icons by the People Who Knew Them Best
03:30 pm: LET'S GET LIT: 30th Anniversary Roundtable Celebration
03:30 pm: The 'You' Inside: Memoirs of Mental Health in the Self-Care Era
03:30 pm: Alix Traeger, author of 'Scratch That,' Cooking Demo
03:35 pm: Tanisia Moore, author of 'Wash Day Love'
03:40 pm: Jan Beatty, reading from 'Dragstripping: Poems'
03:45 pm: Our Future and Money
03:50 pm: Mané (musical performance-power pop-art rock-indie rock)
04:00 pm: When the Familiar Turns Fantastical: Masters of the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Genres
04:00 pm: Blas Falconer, reading from 'Rara Avis'
04:05 pm: Max Greenfield, author of 'Good Night Thoughts'
04:20 pm: Michelle Bitting, reading from 'Dummy Ventriloquist'
04:20 pm: Matt Bomer, Kelly Gildea and Lauren Klein discuss 'Giovanni's Room: A Novel' with Sam Sanders
04:30 pm: Beautifully Corrupt? america Today
04:30 pm: Food Fight: Top Chef and the Reality Cooking Show Phenomenon
04:30 pm: Journey to the HEA: Tackling Big Topics in Romance
04:30 pm: Who Do You Think You Are? Black Identity, Family Lines, and Resilience in america
04:30 pm: On Your Mark, Get Set, Politicize: Sports in Politics
04:30 pm: Cult Classics in the Making: Humor, Pop Culture, and Identity in Contemporary Memoir
04:30 pm: Speak Out: The Evolution of Activism
04:30 pm: Moving Fashion Forward: The Future of Fashion
04:30 pm: Actionable Wisdom for Unlocking Potential and Happiness
04:35 pm: Matt de la Peña, author of 'Home'
04:40 pm: From Page to Screen: How BookTok Builds Global Screen Sensations
04:40 pm: Daniel Lawless, reading from 'I Tell You This Now'
04:45 pm: Ask A Reporter: Behind the Scenes at the Oscars (And Other Major Awards Shows)
05:00 pm: Jose Hernandez Diaz, reading from 'Portrait of the Artist as a Brown Man'
05:00 pm: ALAJE (musical performance-Afro-Latin salsa)
05:05 pm: Thai Nguyen, author of 'MAI'S AO DAI'
05:20 pm: Dorianne Laux, reading from 'Life on Earth'
05:40 pm: Performance: Gail and Gronk
Sunday, April 27, 2025
09:55 am: Poetry Stage Emcees: Elena Karina Byrne and Marty L. Williams copy
10:00 am: Special Screening of MASTERPIECE'S 'Miss Austen' Episode 1 followed by QandA with author Gill Hornby and executive producer Christine Langan
10:00 am: Trojan Marching Band
10:00 am: Los Angeles Public Library Welcome
10:00 am: Ask A Reporter: L.A.'s Push for More Rings
10:00 am: The Other Golden State Killers: True Crime in California
10:00 am: L.A. Times Stage Emcee: Stuart K Robinson
10:00 am: Holaday Mason, reading from 'As If Scattered'
10:00 am: The Home Team: Sports, Competition, and Seeing What You're Made of in Middle Grade Fiction
10:15 am: Blippi
10:20 am: Jenny Slate, author of 'Lifeform,' in conversation with Traci Thomas
10:20 am: Tony Barnstone, reading from 'Apocryphal Poems'
10:30 am: Hora de cuentos con la Biblioteca Pública de Los Ángeles
10:30 am: A Tale So Fated and Forbidden: Loving the Paranormal in Romance
10:30 am: The Old World is Right Behind You: The Role of the Historical Novel
10:30 am: The Oddities of Earthlings: Magical Realism in Contemporary Fiction
10:30 am: Unequal Ground: The Silent War Against the Poor and Marginalized
10:30 am: The Power and Possibilities of AI
10:30 am: Friend of My Mind: Essays on Finding a Home in Literature
10:30 am: Maureen Dowd, author of 'Notorious: Portraits of Stars from Hollywood, Culture, Fashion, and Tech,' in conversation with Mary McNamara
10:50 am: Lucky Diaz, author of 'Fix-It Familia'
11:00 am: All Together Now: Essay Collections with One Subject, Many Voices
11:00 am: Mamrie Hart, author of 'All l Think About is Food,' Cooking Demo
11:00 am: Between the Lines: Untold Stories of Literary Legends
11:00 am: Robyn Hitchcock, Author of '1967': How I Got There and Why I Never Left, in conversation with Jonathan Lethem
11:00 am: Sophia Condon (musical performance-pop-rock)
11:00 am: The Call is Coming from Inside the House: Novels about Writers
11:00 am: Perry Janes, reading from 'Find Me When You're Ready'
11:05 am: Lil' Libros Storytime with Katherine Trejo
11:15 am: Ask A Reporter: Welcome to Motel California
11:20 am: Mita Mahato, reading from 'Arctic Play'
11:20 am: Harry Shum Jr and Shelby Rabara, authors of 'Martee Dares to Dance'
11:20 am: Middle Grade Fiction: Loss, Grief, Finding Your Way Back
11:30 am: That Was a Close One: Young Adult Thrillers
11:30 am: Wilmer Valderrama, author of 'An american Story: Everyone's Invited,' in conversation with Fidel Martinez co-presented by De Los
11:40 am: Camille T. McDaniel, reading from 'Blood, Skin, and Water'
11:45 am: Voto Latino: Post-Election Reflections
11:50 am: Shawn Harris, author and illustrator of 'The Teeny-Weeny Unicorn's Great Big Wish'
12:00 pm: Robert Crais, author of 'The Big Empty,' in conversation with Jeffrey Fleishman
12:00 pm: Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse, reading from 'Dream State: A Commonplace Book'
12:00 pm: Man, Myth, or Legend? Political Biographies that Take a Second Look
12:00 pm: Scoring the Screen: Music in Film and Television
12:00 pm: Leave It All on the Stage: Writers and Directors in Conversation, presented by Center Theatre Group
12:00 pm: A Novel Approach to a Television Series, presented by Universal Studio Group
12:00 pm: The Business of Show Business: Actors and Writers on Life Behind the Scenes
12:00 pm: What's the Frequency... How Art Feeds the Brain
12:00 pm: Under My Skin: Gender and Identity in Fiction
12:10 pm: Michele Lu (musical performance-indie pop-alternative)
12:30 pm: Percival Everett, author of 'James,' in conversation with Héctor Tobar
12:30 pm: Ask A Reporter: Media Literacy in a Time of Environmental Disaster
12:30 pm: Midwest is Best: Heartache, Home, and the Heartland in Fiction
12:30 pm: Fictional Fathers and Family Sagas
12:30 pm: Ivan McCombs, author of 'Insanely Good Ramen Meals,' Cooking Demo
12:30 pm: The Silent Killer: Understanding Genetics' Impact on Health
12:30 pm: What a Girl Wants: Romance in Young Adult Fiction
12:35 pm: Platoon Presents: Megan Piphus
12:40 pm: Fantastical Creatures and Magical Kingdoms in Middle Grade Fiction
12:40 pm: Josh Gad, author of 'IN GAD WE TRUST: A Tell-Some,' in conversation with Jon Lovett
12:45 pm: Por Siempre Fernando: Jaime and Jorge Jarrín remember Fernando Valenzuela
01:00 pm: Kim Addonizio, reading from 'Exit Opera'
01:00 pm: Encore: Musical Legends and Their Legacies
01:05 pm: Drew Daywalt, author of 'Little Freddie Two Pants'
01:20 pm: Astral Mixtape (musical performance-classical fusion)
01:20 pm: Avan Jogia, reading from 'Autopsy (of an Ex-Teen Heartthrob): (poems of rage, love, sex, and sadness)'
01:30 pm: Red Flag Warning: California, Wildfires, and Where We Go From Here
01:30 pm: Jon M. Chu, author of 'Viewfinder: A Memoir of Seeing and Being Seen,' in conversation with Ashley Lee
01:30 pm: Storytelling, Social Movements, and Political Histories
01:30 pm: Character Study: The Myth of the Male Writer in Contemporary Fiction
01:30 pm: Romance and the Subgenre
01:30 pm: Once Upon a Nightmare: Suspense, Noir, and Crime in Short Stories
01:30 pm: Displaced: The Unhoused Crisis
01:30 pm: Now Streaming: A Closer Look at the TV Shows that Made Us
01:35 pm: Alex Killian and Grady McFerrin, author and illustrator of 'In-Between Places'
01:40 pm: Sarah Maclay, reading from 'The H.D. Sequence-A Concordance'
01:45 pm: Stories That Heal: Interrupting Intergenerational Cycles
01:45 pm: Ask A Reporter: The Dirty Secret of Legal Weed
01:50 pm: Chelsea Handler, author of 'I'll Have What She's Having,' in conversation with Yvonne Villarreal
02:00 pm: Nicole Rucker, author of 'Fat and Flour,' Cooking Demo
02:00 pm: Yours, Mine, and Ours: Family Secrets and Dynamics in Fiction
02:00 pm: Mixed Media: When Visual Art Meets the Written Word
02:00 pm: The Hard Way: Reputations and Learning Lessons in Young Adult Fiction
02:00 pm: Punks, Rebels, and Recipes: The Popular Culture of Asian america
02:00 pm: Derrick Austin, reading from 'Tenderness'
02:05 pm: Tika Sumpter, author of 'I Got It From My Mama'
02:20 pm: Donna Sprujit-Metz, reading from 'To Phrase a Prayer for Peace'
02:30 pm: Gretchen Whitmer, author of 'True Gretch: Lessons for Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference,' in conversation with Jessica Gelt
02:30 pm: Aaron Wolff Fig (musical performance-rock-indie rock)
02:30 pm: The New american Outlaw: Making and Breaking the Law in Contemporary Suspense and Crime Fiction
02:35 pm: Patrick Renna, author of 'A Little Slugger's Guide to the Unwritten Rules of Baseball and Life'
02:40 pm: Nathan Xavier Osorio, reading from 'Querida'
02:45 pm: Expanding Narratives: Embracing Joy and Blackness
03:00 pm: Stella Wong, reading from 'Stem'
03:00 pm: Historical Mysteries
03:00 pm: More than a Game: The Changing Landscape of Game Design, Player Identity and Meaningful Play
03:00 pm: Revolutionary Romance: Queens and Warriors in Romantasy
03:00 pm: Political Violence on the Rise: The State of Politics Today
03:00 pm: Big Sean, author of "Go Higher: Five Practices for Purpose, Success, and Inner Peace," in conversation with LZ Granderson
03:00 pm: A Songwriter's Eye for Detail: A conversation with Musicians Mike Campbell and Peter Wolf
03:00 pm: Mysterious Dimensions of the Human Mind in Mystery and Horror Fiction
03:00 pm: Ask A Reporter: Crimes of the Times
03:00 pm: Generating Panel Title.... How AI is Shaping the Future
03:00 pm: Get Lost: How to Travel Like the Experts
03:05 pm: Miles McKenna, author of 'I am NOT a Vampire'
03:20 pm: The Peculiar and the Familiar: Loss, Longing, and Magical Realism in Young Adult Fiction
03:20 pm: Carol Moldaw, reading from 'Go Figure'
03:30 pm: Survival and Resilience in Native american Culture
03:30 pm: Deep Dive: Revealing the Big Story
03:30 pm: Good on Paper: The New Romantic Comedy in Contemporary Fiction
03:30 pm: Kiano Moju, author of 'AfriCali,' Cooking Demo
03:30 pm: The Art of the Short Story
03:35 pm: Storytime with the Los Angeles Public Library
03:40 pm: Ruben Quesada, reading from 'Brutal Companion'
03:40 pm: Kazan Taiko (musical performance-traditional Japanese Drumming)
04:00 pm: Lory Bedikian, reading from 'Jagadakeer: Apology to the Body'
04:05 pm: Maham Khwaja and Daby Zainab Faidhi, author and illustrator of "The Home We Make"
04:15 pm: Ask A Reporter: How We Cover Immigration
04:20 pm: Farid Matuk, reading from 'Moon Mirrored Indivisible'
04:40 pm: Performance: WriteGirl
April 26 - 27, 2025
University of Southern California Campus,
3551 Trousdale Parkway,
Los Angeles, CA 90089
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