Clubs and Organizations
May 9, 2023
From: Temple ShalomJune marks the 60th anniversary of Temple Shalom of Aberdeen. Since its founding in 1963, TempleShalom has endeavored to meet the spiritual, cultural and social needs of the Reform Jewish Community of Northern Monmouth and Southeastern Middlesex counties. It has also worked to help the well-being of the entire community.
The anniversary will be commemorated on Friday, June 2nd and Saturday, June 3rd. Shabbat services on June 2 will take place starting at 6:30 p.m. Saturday morning services begin at 10:30 a.m.
A special commemorative gala will take place on Saturday evening. There will be a cocktail hour starting at 6:00 pm followed by dinner and dancing. It will include the presentation of an award celebrating Rabbi Malinger's 30 years of Rabbinic Service. ???????Cantor Sarah Zemel will be honored as she will be receiving her doctorate.
he Commitment to Community Award will be presented to Mt. Sinai Memorial Chapels of East Brunswick which was voted the best Jewish funeral home in Central New Jersey.For additional information about the gala, contact the Temple Shalom office at 732-566-2621