Clubs and Organizations
March 22, 2025
From: Temple Israel of AlamedaTemple Israel, a Reform Jewish congregation in Alameda, announced a year of celebrations marking the nonprofit's 105th anniversary, aka its "Centennial + 5." Since 1920, Temple Israel of Alameda has been a place of worship, a center for community and an avenue for lifelong Jewish education. The year of celebrations kicked off in February with an afternoon tea honoring four matriarchs of the community. The next celebration is the anniversary party on Saturday, May 17. Visit Temple Israel’s website to learn more about the series of special events.
“We were unable to celebrate our centennial in 2020 so we’re making up for that lost time this year,” says Temple President Kimberlee MacVicar, a fourth generation member of the congregation. “With the dramatic uptick in antisemitism, it means a lot knowing our local community still supports us and we ask for their participation by attending our upcoming events and placing their well wishes and memories in our tribute book.”
The anniversary party takes place on Saturday, May 17, with the doors opening at 5:30 pm. In addition to marking the anniversary, this event also honors the members of three important families in the Temple Israel Community: the Cohens, Kofmans and Ribacks.
Dinner is being catered by fan-favorite Asena Restaurant and will include a vegetarian option. Event includes dancing, a bar, photo booth and more surprises. Free parking. Cocktail or Dressy attire.
Purchase tickets today at: Submit an ad in the tribute book to extend your well wishes and/or promote your business as a means of showing your appreciation and support of Alameda's Jewish Community (order form through that site). Former members and members of the temple's founding families are strongly encouraged to attend.
The party takes place at Temple Israel, 3183 Mecartney Road, on HBI in Alameda. RSVP by May 5. Questions: [email protected].