
Stratford Library Kids Events In March, 2025

Schools and Libraries

March 12, 2025

From: Stratford Library

March Storytimes
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. offers weekly storytimes for children. Storytimes meet at 10:30 am. On Mondays, Toddler Time meets for ages 0-2. On Tuesdays, Preschool Storytime meets for ages 3-5. Baby Lapsit meets on Thursdays for babies 0-18 months. Friday Fun offers stories and songs for ages 1-5. Enjoy early literacy activities and meet other families at Library storytimes. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer LEGO Club on Sunday, March 23 at 2:00pm. Children ages 5-12 are welcome to register. Come build some LEGO creations with friends. LEGO Club will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is requested. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Learn to Crochet
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering beginner’s crochet lessons on Wednesday, March 12 at 6:00pm. All students ages 9 to adult are welcome, and supplies are provided. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Seed Library Grab ’n’ Go
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept will offer a Seed Library Grab ‘n’ go for pick up on Mondays starting in March; Butterfly Milkweed (March 3), Alyssum (March 17), and Penstemon (March 31). You will receive both the seeds and instructions on how to plant. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Book Scientists
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer Book Scientist kits for children ages 3-12. Each kit includes books and activities. Books are selected based on the age of the child participating. This month the themes will be: On The Farm (March 14) and Green Books (March 28). Return the Library books when they are due and keep everything else! Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Treehouse Science
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Treehouse Science program w/Perler beads on Friday, March 14 at 3:30pm and 3D pens on Friday, March 28 at 3:30pm. Children ages 7-12 are welcome to join us for either program! Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Read To a Therapy Dog
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will be offering the chance to read to a therapy dog on Saturday, March 15 from 11:00am-11:45am. Children ages 6-12 may sign up for a fifteen minute time slot, and can choose a favorite book to read to Ollie the dog. Time slots are on a first come first serve basis. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Kids Lego Robotics Club
Join the Stratford Library Children’s Dept. for a Lego Robotics workshop on Wednesday, March 17 at 4:00pm for children ages 7-12. Thanks to a grant from the Stratford Rotary Club, the Library now owns a LEGO Spike Essential kits, which combines LEGO building with some coding fun! This program will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Ready for Kindergarten Grab ‘n’ Go
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a grab ‘n’ go activity kit to prepare preschoolers for Kindergarten. This kit is available for children ages 3-5. Pick up is available beginning Wednesday, March 19. Each month will be a different activity. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Piano w/ Friends
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer Piano with Friends: Irish Music class on Thursday, March 20 at 4:00 pm for children ages 7-12. (Piano Basics class a prerequisite to sign up for this class). Learn to play some fun Irish tunes. Class does not replace professional piano lessons. Piano with Friends will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Treefort Science: Ed Emberley Drawing
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Treefort Science program for children ages 5-7 on Friday, March 21 at 3:30pm. Have some fun drawing in the style of Ed Emberley. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Preschool Art
Join the Stratford Library Children’s Dept. for some creative fun on Saturday, March 22 at 11:00am for children ages 3-7. Preschool Art will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Nutmeg Book Group
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering a Nutmeg Book Group for readers in grades 4 to 6. March’s pick will be “Falling Short”. Read the book, then join us for a book discussion on Monday, March 24 at 6pm in The Children’s Dept, program room. Books provided to registered participants courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Science Club
Join the Stratford Library Children’s Dept. for our new Science Club with different activities every month. March’s session will be Solar System Models! Class meets Tuesday, March 25 at 6 pm for ages 7-12. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Math Grab ’N’ Go Kit
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Math grab ‘n’ go kit for children ages 6-10. This month’s theme will be Number Lines. Each kit will come with informational lessons and activities about the topic. Pick up for the kits will begin on Wednesday, March 26. Registration is recommended. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Junior Scientists Grab‘n’Go
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Junior Scientists grab ‘n’ go activity for children ages 4-8 with pick-ups starting on Thursday, March 27. Children can enjoy a science experiment with the help of an adult. This month’s topic will feature Wind. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.

Braiding With Seed Beads
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept invites you to join us in learning how to braid with seed beads on Sunday, March 30 at 2:00pm. Patrons ages 8 to adult are welcome to sign up. Participants should be comfortable with working with small beads, and younger children may need a parent’s assistance. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at www.stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit www.stratfordlibrary.org/kids.