Sports and Recreation
December 9, 2023
From: Sonoma County Regional ParksCoasting into the holidays
Just about everyone loves going to the beach in the summer, but Doran Regional Park has devoted followers in winter, too. Why? Warm-weather crowds are gone, and foggy days are few. Seasonal bird-watching and fishing are top-notch. Winter waves make for better surfing. And the wide, sandy beach is the perfect spot to create holiday memories with a long stroll, a family picnic or a cozy barbecue.
Give the gift of parks
Support the health and happiness of family and friends this holiday season with Regional Parks gift memberships. When you give a parks membership, you give a year of free parking at more than 55 parks, trails and beaches, one night of free camping and endless opportunities to get outside in 2024.
Gift memberships come in the form of a voucher that recipients can redeem when they're ready to begin their membership. Gift memberships are available at Oliver’s Markets, REI Santa Rosa, Sebastopol Hardware, Garrett Ace Hardware in Healdsburg and Windsor, Copperfield's Books in Petaluma and other locations.
Fantastic beasts and where to watch them
With crisp, clear skies and less foliage on the trees, winter can be an excellent time for wildlife viewing in your parks. Look for migratory birds, newts on the move (as seen above at Mark West Creek Regional Park and Preserve) or animals gathering food for winter. We're offering several guided outings this season that get you up close and personal with critters in the sea, air – and even after dark. Join us!
Help us get kids outside and double your impact!
Make a year-end donation to the Sonoma County Parks Foundation to support youth education and your gift will be matched! Regional Parks provides outdoor experiences for more than 15,000 kids and their families annually. Programs help children and teens learn about nature, master new skills, boost work experience, and gain confidence and leadership abilities. Through the end of the year, the Parks Foundation board of directors will double your gift to support Sonoma County Regional Parks youth programs, up to a total match of $30,000.
Featured Events
Parks After Dark
On Friday, Dec. 15, 5-7 p.m., engage with the beautiful and often unseen world of parks after dark. This 1- to 2-mile night hike will be over moderate terrain in Riverfront Regional Park. Discover how animals adapt to survive and thrive, as well as humans’ relationship with the dark. All ages are welcome.
Wilderness First Aid
On Saturday, Dec. 16, 12:30-2:30 p.m., learn the basics of wilderness first aid while exploring beautiful Spring Lake Regional Park. Parks staff will teach you how to best prepare for your adventures and respond to unexpected situations. Whether you are a seasoned outdoors person or just starting to hit the trails, there will be something for everyone!
Calabazas Creek Previews
On Saturday, Jan. 6, explore the wildness at one of our future parks: Calabazas Creek Regional Park and Open Space Preserve. The Sonoma Valley property has a fascinating history, beautiful vistas and creekside treasures. Take a self-guided tour between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Park staff and volunteers will be available to answer questions and discuss the process to fully open the park to the public. Free, but registration required.