Government and Politics
February 7, 2023
From: Maryland Governor Wes MooreOn Wednesday, Governor Wes Moore delivered his first annual State of the State Address to a joint session of the Maryland General Assembly. The speech highlighted his legislative agenda, which included: The Serve Act, The Family Prosperity Act, The Maryland Educator Shortage Act, The Keep Our Heroes Home Act and The Health Care for Heroes Act.
On Friday, emergency legislation to begin taxing and licensing recreational cannabis in Maryland was introduced in the Senate and House of Delegates. Senate Bill 516/House Bill 556 - Cannabis Reform, is a lengthy eighty-eight page bill that was referred jointly to the Senate Finance and Senate Budget & Taxation Committees as well as the House Economic Matters Committee. The bill’s first hearing will be held in the House Economic Matters Committee on Friday, February 17th. There is tremendous pressure within the legislature to pass this recreational cannabis bill to allow Marylanders – 21 years and older – to buy recreational cannabis on July 1st of this year - the date established by the constitutional amendment approved last year by Maryland voters.
Highlights of the bill include:
Committee activity in the Senate continues to accelerate. More than 546 bills have been introduced in the Senate thus far and assigned to their respective committees for consideration. With a bill introduction deadline of Monday, February 6th, many more bills are expected to be introduced. While legislation can be introduced throughout the entire 90-day legislative session, the later a bill is introduced the more procedural obstacles it must overcome. For instance, any Senate bill introduced after the Monday deadline will be referred to the Senate Rules Committee where it must receive a favorable report in order to be considered by the Senate.
Maryland529 Prepaid College Update
Senate Bill 475: Workgroup on the Maryland 529 Prepaid College Trust Program
Emergency legislation was introduced as a result of last week's briefing that left many unanswered questions by the affected Maryland529 account holders. SB 475 will establish a workgroup whose purpose will be to identify policies, procedures and practices that led to Maryland529 account holders’ current issues as well as develop and make recommendations for improvements. The workgroup will consist of the following members: the Executive Director of the Maryland529, the Maryland529 Board and four Maryland529 account holders who have experienced issues accessing their funds. I am a proud co-sponsor of this bill.
The Senate Education, Energy & Environment (EEE) Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 92 on Thursday, February 2nd. SB 92 requires that newly constructed or renovated state buildings incorporate standards that will not only conserve energy but also MINIMIZE adverse impacts on birds’ lives due to the proliferation of glass as a building material.
A similar bill was introduced in the previous legislative session that passed the House of Delegates (101-33) but was not voted on in the Senate.
Senate Bill 1 will be heard in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Tuesday, February 7th. SB 1 prohibits those with a concealed-carry permit from taking their firearm within 100 feet of a public place. Such places would include hotels, restaurants, parks, movie theaters, and retail stores. Essentially, making it illegal for law-abiding concealed-carry permit holders to carry a gun in Maryland.
CLICK HERE for guidelines on how to testify on SB 1.
Senate Bill 261: Motor Fuel Tax Rates -
Consumer Price Index Adjustment - Repeal
Senate Bill 261 will be heard in the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee on Thursday, February 9th. SB 261 repeals the current law which allows for automatic annual tax increases in Maryland gas prices. This mandated gas tax increase is annually based on inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Essentially, providing political cover to Maryland politicians by not forcing them to vote for a tax increase. Again this year, I am a proud co-sponsor of this legislation and strongly support repealing this automatic tax increase on Maryland consumers.
CLICK HERE for guidelines on how to testify on SB 261.
Senate Bill 197/House Bill 197: Four-Day Workweek Pilot Program &
Income Tax Credit - Established (Four-Day Workweek Act of 2023)
Senate Bill 197 will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday, February 9th. SB 197 offers state tax credits to companies that cut full-time employees’ scheduled work week from 40 hours to 32 hours without reducing the employees’ weekly pay.
CLICK HERE for guidelines on how to testify on SB 197.
Polar Bear Plunge
37° and windy
39° water temperature
Shout out to Route One Apparel for the epic outfits! We certainly were the best dressed!
Thank you to all who donated. We were proud to plunge for my good friend, Senator Doug Peters’ grandson, Tommy, this year.
Last but not least, thank you Special Olympics Maryland for another great plunge. Counting down the days until next year to support Special Olympic Athletes!
WELCOME to Annapolis LEAD Maryland
Each year LEAD Maryland comes to Annapolis to learn about state government, public policy, and advocacy. On Wednesday, I was honored to be invited to speak to this year’s Maryland LEAD class of emerging leaders. As a LEAD Alumnus (LEAD Class IV) I can appreciate LEAD Maryland’s dedication to identifying and developing leadership in Maryland.
I shared with the LEAD Class that from a young age, I was involved in 4-H, showing beef cattle and market lambs. Moreover, my family and I currently enjoy farm-life in Joppa where we board horses, and own pigs, goats, cattle, and chickens. LEAD Maryland provided me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge in order to represent the voice of agriculture, natural resources, and rural communities in Annapolis.
Congratulations LEAD Class XII (2022-2023) I can’t wait to hear about all of the great things you will accomplish!
Enjoyed seeing everyone that attended the Greater Harford Committee’s Harford Night in Annapolis on Wednesday, February 1st, an impressive showcase of Harford county businesses.
SAVE THE DATE: District 7 Night in Annapolis
Join your District 7 Team for a Night in Annapolis. After enjoying a FREE meal, stop by Session and see the Senate and House of Delegates in action!
Monday, February 13th from 6:00pm-7:30pm
Governor’s Calvert House
58 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
Stop by for delicious hors d'oeuvres then come to the State House to see the legislative process in action!
*This is a FREE Event! All are welcome.
RSVP requested: [email protected] /410-841-3706