Arts and Entertainment
February 19, 2025
From: PacoPlay FestivalMy Papá (Paco), the most inspiring person I’ve ever met, will be turning 91 next March 11th, and I’m organizing PacoPlay festival as a tribute.
The festival is about Playing for the sake of playing.
Everything will be free and nobody will get paid, but in love and gratitude.
Happening outdoors and open to all ages, the main platform at IX will be filled with mostly interactive activities to enjoy Playing.
Some activities will be scheduled (like jazz music or singing circle). Others will be set on stations around the park.
Since March 8th. is international Women day, the collage station will be dedicated to honor Women
Here’s an idea of the activities:
Singing and drumming circles, juggling, hackysack, painting, collages, storytelling…
Jazz and elementary school musicians will be performing.
And many games to play:
Frisbee, jumping rope, Lego, team games, would you rather, the floor is lava, play dough, chess, guess what’s in the bag by touching,
Some absurdness will be added with Silly walks.
I would love to have a one year old leading a dance from the stage at some point Volunteers?
And you’re invited to bring your own games!
Date: March 8, 2025
Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: IX Art Park - 522 2nd Street South East Charlottesville, VA 22902
Click Here For More Information