Schools and Libraries
November 8, 2023
From: Newton Free LibraryVision Board 4 Living
Wednesday, November 8 at 4pm
If you are stuck in the chaos of life and are ready to take action and pursue your dreams, act now! Take this time to gain greater clarity in your life and move closer to your dreams. We will discuss the importance of the vision board theory as you assemble your vision board. Present your vision board to the group (if you would like to). All materials will be provided.
Location: Druker Auditorium
Registration required
Genealogy Club
Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30pm
The purpose of the club is to share information on records and approaches for starting or extending participants' genealogical research. Novices and experienced researchers are both welcome. Participants are encouraged to bring records and problems from their own research for discussion.
Location: Virtual
Registration required
SCORE Small Business Counseling
Thursday, November 9 starting at 9am
SCORE volunteers provide area small business owners with free, one-hour counseling and advice sessions.
Location: Room A and Virtual
Registration required
Learn How to Use Libby, hoopla & Kanopy
Friday, November 10 at 10am
Get an introduction to our three most popular digital services so you can start accessing books, audiobooks, music, movies and more from home. Learn how to download or stream with Libby, hoopla and Kanopy!
Location: Virtual
Registration required
Coming Up
Genealogy: Learning to Work with FamilySearch and Ancestry
Monday, November 13 at 6:30pm
Make an Accordion Book
Tuesday, November 14 at 11am
Poetry Reading and Open Mic
Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm
SCORE Small Business Counseling
Wednesday, November 16
November Main Hall and Gallery Art Shows
Collaborative Portraits
I started painting in 2019 after a break of 65 years and had my first exhibition in February 2020. My initial exhibitions were titled "As I See It" and "Whimsical Animation.” I named my most recent exhibitions "Whimsical Surrealism,” a title I have retained for this show.
My favorite subjects are bananas, peppers, potatoes and everyday objects such as a coffee pot. My bananas make fists, fly in the sky, play, swim and more. My peppers embody a range of human emotions from joy to anger. My potatoes bear a variety of human-like faces, primarily humorous. My aim is to entertain visitors by making them smile and even laugh.
"Pushing the Envelope" was a response to the contraction and confinement of life during the Covid-19 lockdown. Even in isolation, mail arrived. My medium was restricted to the envelopes themselves (at first only the patterned paper linings, later words and images from the exteriors) and the commemorative world of postage stamps, some received through the mail, some bought, some gifted and some inherited from the boyhood collections from my father and husband. These I joined by cutting and gluing, using the pattern of a traditional house quilt block, later taping the houses together, 15 per frame, to create 35 "collaged villages."