Clubs and Organizations
September 22, 2023
From: League of Women Voters of Berkeley Albany EmeryvilleThe Mayor of Albany issued a public statement at Monday’s City Council meeting, following the publishing of a New York Times article about the book Accountable that has sparked the Albany School District and community-wide dialogue. Read Mayor Aaron Tiedemann’s statement.
On Tuesday, September 26, 7-8:30pm, the Leaue of Women Voters of California Health Care Interest Group (HCIG) will host an educational webinar that all are invited to attend. After a brief business meeting, Cal Voices Policy Director Clare Cortright, Esq., will give a talk. She is a patient rights’ advocate with a special interest in the care and rights of mental health consumers facing involuntary holds and medication orders, and those who become incarcerated. See more!
How well do you know America's democracy icons? Take the quiz today! The answer key is at the bottom of the quiz. Take it today!
The Albany Racial Inclusivity and Social Equity Commission met on September 7, 2023, to review several subjects, including their work plan and upcoming events, and to take action by forming important subcommittees. The City of Albany Arts Committee also has a social justice arts display up until September 28th at the Albany Community Center. See more!
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