Clubs and Organizations
August 3, 2023
From: League of Women Voters of Berkeley Albany EmeryvilleCity Council Votes for License Plate Readers
The Berkeley Police Department (BPD) and the Police Accountability Board (PAB) gave presentations for and against the installation of Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) for the City Council on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023. Afterwards, the Council and Mayor held a vote, where ultimately, 6-1 voted for placing 52 of these cameras around the City of Berkeley. See more!
Friday, August 25, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, virtual only.
Meet Kate Hartley, Bay Area Housing Finance Authority Director.
In 2019 the California legislature established the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) via AB 1487. BAHFA has regional revenue generating authority that enables it to work collaboratively with all Bay Area jurisdictions. Its mandate is to create regional solutions that meet the Bay Area’s affordable housing needs by producing and preserving more affordable housing and protecting our most vulnerable residents. See more!
The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement in response to the House and Senate introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act:
“The Freedom to Vote Act is a strong step toward enacting pro-voter reforms that are needed to ensure that all eligible Americans have the freedom to vote. The League commends Senator Klobuchar and Representative Sarbanes for their tireless work to build a bicameral introduction of this bill." See more!
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