
Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation: March 6, 2025

Government and Politics

March 6, 2025

From: New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy

TRENTON – On March 6th, Governor Murphy signed the following bills into law: 

S-3825/A-4992 (Burzichelli, Testa/Bailey, McClellan, Hutchison) - Provides project grant under “Securing Our Children’s Future Fund” for career and technical education expansion; appropriates $7.65 million

A-1672/S-1285 (Lampitt, Karabinchak, Hutchison/Beach, Mukherji) - Makes disabled persons receiving disability payments pursuant to federal Railroad Retirement Act eligible to receive homestead property tax reimbursement

A-3904/S-2954 (Moen, Spearman, Miller/Cruz-Perez, Beach) - Requires geotechnical testing and certain monitoring of transportation projects

A-4091/S-2874 (Speight, Sampson, Hall/Diegnan, Polistina) - Expands services that can be provided by audiologists and hearing aid dispensers

A-4684/S-3564 (Quijano, Park/Vitale, Turner) - Removes certain limitations on recovery for victims of certain sexual offenses

A-4707/S-3516 (Moen, Murphy, Pintor Marin/Scutari) - Authorizes State Treasurer to sell as surplus certain real property and improvements in City of Camden in Camden County

A-4757/S-3456 (Danielsen/Scutari) - Permits amusement games licenses to be issued to certain nonprofit organizations

A-4948/S-3819 (Lopez/Vitale) - Allows unexpended balance of FY2024 appropriation for City of Perth Amboy – Convery Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge to be used by municipality for pedestrian safety infrastructure projects

A-5116/S-4142 (Wimberly, Barlas/Scutari, Bucco) - Revises design of primary election ballots and certain primary election procedures; provides for ballots to be arranged by office block; removes State committee members from primary process; requires reporting on primary elections by Division of Elections

AJR-120/SJR-110 (Conaway/McKnight) - Designates first full week of May of each year as “Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week” in NJ.