Government and Politics
May 23, 2024
From: New York Governor Kathy HochulGovernor Kathy Hochul on May 23rd, announced the confirmation of Daniel F. Martuscello III as the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) by the Senate. Martuscello has served as Acting Commissioner of DOCCS since June 2023.
“With nearly three decades of experience in various positions throughout DOCCS, Daniel Martuscello has the vision and experience it takes to run such a large agency that is critical to maintaining public safety,” Governor Hochul said. “It is without question that he will continue to lead the agency forward in a way that serves all New Yorkers fairly and equally.”
New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Commissioner Daniel F. Martuscello III said, “I extend my sincerest gratitude to Governor Hochul and the New York State Senate for entrusting me to serve as Commissioner of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. I will remain steadfast in my commitment to public safety, to the wellbeing of staff, and to providing incarcerated individuals and releasees with the resources they need to achieve successful outcomes.”
Daniel F. Martuscello III began his career with the Department in 1997. He served as a Correction Officer prior to transitioning to administrative services, where he held a variety of titles within the Bureau of Personnel, including Director of Human Resources. He was promoted to Deputy Commissioner for Administrative Services, where he oversaw the agency's $3.5 billion budget, statewide training, and facility infrastructure. He was then appointed Executive Deputy Commissioner where he provided oversight of the entire Executive Team and implemented major initiatives for the Department, with an emphasis on labor relations, intergovernmental affairs, facility operations, and community issues.
Commissioner Martuscello holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology, with a concentration in Criminology from SUNY Cortland. He is a member of the American Correctional Association, New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice, New York Corrections and Youth Services Association, Board of Directors for the SUNY Cortland Alumni Association, and serves as the Chair of the Northeast Region for the Correctional Leaders Association.
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Commissioner Rossana Rosado said, “DCJS values our tremendous partnership with DOCCS. We could not ask for a better or more committed colleague in state service than Commissioner Martuscello. We applaud Governor Hochul for her nomination of this outstanding public servant and the Senate for their confirmation today. We look forward to working with Commissioner Martuscello and the entire DOCCS team in our shared support of a fair and equal justice system that affords opportunities for rehabilitation, reentry, and true ‘second chances.’”
New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James said, “Congratulations to Commissioner Martuscello on his well-deserved confirmation. Commissioner Martuscello contributes an unparalleled knowledge of DOCCS and has demonstrated his abilities as a strong leader during his three decades with the agency. Today’s confirmation underlines Governor Hochul’s commitment to public safety and I look forward to continuing our close partnership on behalf of all New Yorkers.”
State Commission of Correction Chairman Allen Riley said, “Commissioner Martuscello’s experience and expertise is unparalleled. I cannot think of anyone better suited to lead DOCCS. I applaud Governor Hochul’s nomination and the Senate for its confirmation.”
State Senator Julia Salazar said, “It is vital that New York's Department of Corrections and Community Supervision works for New Yorkers safely and equitably. I thank Governor Hochul for the nomination of Commissioner Martuscello, who has demonstrated his commitment to the challenging task of ensuring jails and prisons are safe and rehabilitative. I look forward to working together to bring meaningful, positive change to New York's correctional system.”
State Senator Jamaal T. Bailey said, “I applaud my colleagues in the Senate for confirming Commissioner Martuscello this morning – in his acting capacity he has proven his ability to serve New Yorkers fairly and there is no doubt he will continue to do so in his future with DOCCS. I look forward to working with Governor Hochul and Commissioner Martuscello to ensure our corrections system works equitably for all.”
Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs said, “Daniel Martuscello has served as Acting Commissioner for almost a year and proven himself to be the best candidate to lead New York’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. The Senate made the right choice in confirming Governor Hochul’s nominee, and I look forward to the good that will result from working with Commissioner Martuscello.”
President of NYS PEF Wayne Spence said, “The DOCCS members of the New York State Public Employees Federation look forward to working with Daniel F. Martuscello III as the Commissioner of the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. Mr. Martuscello is well qualified for this position based on his professional and educational achievements, as well as his long tenure and various roles as a DOCCS employee. PEF thanks Governor Hochul for nominating Mr. Martuscello and the New York State Senate Majority for confirming his appointment to this critical role. We look forward to working with the Commissioner through the labor-management process to address pressing issues facing the DOCCS system, including the ongoing staffing shortage; fortifying education, mental health, and addiction services for the incarcerated population; expanding re-entry services for the formerly incarcerated; fixing the unintended consequences of “Less is More” parole law like 30 for 30, and developing solutions to help address violence in correctional facilities.”
President of the NYSCOPBA Chris Summers said, “NYSCOPBA looks forward to working collaboratively with Commissioner Martuscello to address the challenges facing our correctional system and ensuring the safety and well-being of our membership.”
President and CEO of Osborne Association Jon Monsalve said, “We look forward to continuing our work with Commissioner Martuscello and DOCCS to provide Osborne's unique programs to strengthen parenting and relationships during incarceration, support older adults inside and those who are reentering, and offer welcoming spaces through our Family and Hospitality Centers, which are critical for meaningful family interaction. We are encouraged that Commissioner Martuscello has emphasized a commitment to provider programming, visiting, and successful reentry, all of which contribute to the safer environments we all seek."
Executive Director of John Jay College Institute for Justice and Opportunity Andre Ward said, "The John Jay College Institute for Justice and Opportunity salutes Governor Kathy Hochul’s appointment and the State Senate’s confirmation of Dan Martuscello as Commissioner of DOCCS. As a champion of institutional, structural, educational and personal transformation and provider of a college-in-prison program at DOCCS, the Institute looks forward to continuing our partnership with the Department under the leadership of Commissioner Martuscello. Together, we can empower individuals who are incarcerated to return to their communities as contributing and productive members of society, whose example of transformation and productivity, make them co-creators of public safety."
Executive Director of Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison Sean Pica said, “Receiving the news of Commissioner Martuscello’s confirmation is one of the most exciting things I've heard in years. Those of us working, teaching, and learning in prisons have been awaiting this moment. The impact that Commissioner Martuscello has already had even before this appointment is truly astounding. Commissioner Martuscello has always taken the time to meet with students and teachers and attend events and graduations to show his support for higher education in prison. He is very deserving of this role and positioned to lead this Department in an innovative way to serve as a model for the rest of the nation.”
Exodus Transitional Community Founder & CEO Julio Media said, “As leaders in the criminal justice field, Exodus Transitional Community would like to congratulate Commissioner Martuscello on his appointment with the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. In his time as Acting Commissioner, he has made it a priority to engage with those of us who are on the frontlines and we believe in his humanizing approach to rehabilitation and re-entry. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with DOCCS in order to continue providing essential resources for men and women who are impacted by the justice system.”
Executive Director of the Correctional Association of New York Jennifer Scaife said, “CANY applauds Governor Hochul for filling the Commissioner position at DOCCS, which brings stability and direction to a critical leadership position. We are encouraged by the steps Commissioner Martuscello has taken over the past year toward creating a more humane, rehabilitative, and transparent prison system in New York. We look forward to continuing to work with him to achieve these goals.”
Executive Director of the Bard Prison Initiative Max Kenner said, “Congratulations to Governor Hochul and Daniel Martuscello III. Newly confirmed Commissioner Martuscello is well qualified to lead this agency as New York remains committed to incarcerated people having access to colleges like Bard and BPI. We look forward to collaborating with him to ensure that New York continues to lead the nation in meaningful educational opportunity – particularly college opportunity – for incarcerated people.”
CEO of the Center for Employment Opportunities Sam Schaeffer said, “Commissioner Martuscello is well positioned to lead DOCCS into the future. In his time as Acting Commissioner, we have seen his commitment to working closely with providers, expanding programming all while safely reducing New York State’s prison population. Commissioner Martuscello's support for reentry programs and other assistance returning New Yorkers receive when leaving incarceration will have an immediate impact. I look forward to working with him to further these important objectives.”
President and CEO of the Fortune Society Stanley Richards said, “I congratulate Daniel F. Martuscello III on his appointment as Commissioner of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS). This appointment is a testament to Commissioner Martuscello’s commitment to addressing some of NYS prisons’ most entrenched challenges for people incarcerated and staff. Having had the privilege of working closely with Commissioner Martuscello over the last year, I am hopeful that DOCCS under his leadership will address the issues facing the department and partner with elected officials, advocates, service providers and prison oversight to minimize the trauma of incarceration and address conditions of conferment, create true pathways to reentry including rapid attachment to services, housing, and post incarceration employment. At the Fortune Society, our vision is to foster a world where those who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated will thrive as positive, contributing members of society and we look forward to working with Commissioner Martuscello to make it a reality in New York City and across the State.”
Executive Director of Prisoners' Legal Services of New York Karen Murtagh said, “I would like to thank Governor Hochul for nominating, and the NYS Senate for confirming, Daniel Martuscello as the next DOCCS’ Commissioner. I would also like to congratulate Commissioner Martuscello on his well-deserved appointment. PLS has worked closely with Commissioner Martuscello over the past several years. During that entire time, he has demonstrated a keen understanding of the correctional issues facing NYS and a willingness to work with all parties to come to resolutions that respect the dignity of incarcerated individuals and corrections and civilian staff alike. I look forward to a continued collaboration with the Commissioner and his entire Executive Team as we all strive to make NYS the leader in compassionate, just and safe criminal justice policies.”
Interim Executive Director of Rehabilitation Through the Arts Leslie Lichter said,
“We are delighted to hear of Daniel Martuscello III's confirmation as New York State Commissioner of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS). He has consistently promoted positive programming inside correctional facilities, like Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA), and has brought together all of the program providers in partnership. Under his continued direction, New York State DOCCS will be a national model in rehabilitation so that individuals find lasting success after incarceration.”
President and Founder of Puppies Behind Bars Gloria Gilbert Stoga said, “Commissioner Dan Martuscello has continued the incredibly productive relationship between DOCCS and Puppies Behind Bars that begun 28 years ago. Commissioner Martuscello’s leadership has allowed the incarcerated individuals in seven prisons in New York State, who participate in Puppies Behind Bars, a chance to contribute to society, even while they are incarcerated. Commissioner Martuscello believes in rehabilitation and education. He is forward-thinking and passionate about incarcerated individuals using their time productively. Puppies Behind Bars is lucky to have such a strong leader at DOCCS and looks forward to our partnership continuing for many, many years to come.”