Government and Politics
February 27, 2025
From: New Hampshire Governor Kelly AyotteCONCORD, N.H. – On Feb 27th, Governor Kelly Ayotte signed into law Senate Bill 4, creating a commercial property-assigned clean energy and resiliency (C-PACER) program in New Hampshire.
“Housing is our most critical economic issue, and this legislation is another tool in our toolbox to help bring even more housing development to New Hampshire. I was glad to sign SB-4 to create a C-PACER program in our state. By making it easier for private sector partners to finance projects and removing the administrative burden on municipalities, we’re taking an important step in the right direction to increase the supply of attainable housing for our growing workforce.”
Background on SB-4: This legislation replaces New Hampshire’s existing energy efficiency and clean energy districts statute and creates a centralized C-PACER administrator under the Business Finance Authority (BFA). This streamlined approach creates a consistent, efficient framework for running the program across the state with zero cost to taxpayers and alleviates the administrative burden on municipalities. It also respects local control by allowing cities and towns to opt-in to the C-PACER program.
What is C-PACER?: Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resiliency (C-PACER) is a voluntary financing mechanism for energy-efficient upgrades, building insulation, cost-effective renewable energy, and water conservation measures. Any ‘commercial property’ is eligible, including manufacturing facilities, office buildings, retail buildings, and multifamily housing projects.
C-PACER loans are private-sector loans made by private capital providers and repaid through a voluntary property tax assessment on the developed property. This unique repayment mechanism is what makes C-PACER financing an effective tool to spur additional investment in New Hampshire.