
GiveBIG to Help Shakespeare in the Park This Summer!

Clubs and Organizations

May 4, 2023

From: GreenStage

GiveBIG is here! Our region's annual community philanthropy event begins today and ends midnight tomorrow. We set ourselves a goal of $6,000. Thanks to everyone who has already helped us raise over $1,900 during early giving.

This is a very important time of the year for us as we begin ramping up the planning to bring you our summer Shakespeare in the Park season. Please consider a gift to GreenStage as you plan your giving today. 

Our performances may be free, but they are not without value or cost. Your contributions today help us pay for the zillions of things that go into putting on more than sixty performances in 20-plus parks around the Seattle area. From costumes and props to actors to admin costs and everything in between, we rely on your support to keep performing every year. We believe in the transformative power of live outdoor theater. Your GiveBIG contribution today will pay it forward to your entire community who relies on our FREE performances every summer.

Thank you for your support!