
Don’t Overload the Code!

Government and Politics

July 26, 2024

From: New Hampshire Governor Kelly Ayotte

Concord, NH – On July 26th, after signing SB 603, relative to telephone number and area code conservation, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

“603 is more than just an area code – it’s part of our identity in the Granite State,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Last year I issued an Executive Order directing my Administration to take every step possible so that we Don’t Overload the Code, and the bill I signed today provides additional opportunity to ensure we do just that.”

Last year, Governor Sununu issued Executive Order 2023-07, establishing the “Don’t Overload the Code” Initiative. The legislation signed into law today codifies the Governor’s Directive by updating the authority of the Department of Energy to promote and adopt telephone number conservation measures.