
Colonel Gary T. Settle to Retire After Nearly Four Decades of Service to the Commonwealth

Government and Politics

October 23, 2024

From: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin

RICHMOND, VA - Governor Glenn Youngkin on Oct 23rd, announced that Colonel Gary T. Settle will retire, effective February 1, 2025, after nearly four decades of dedicated service to the Commonwealth. He was re-appointed by Governor Youngkin in January 2022. A nationwide search will be initiated to find a replacement for Colonel Settle, with Lieutenant Colonel Matt Hanley serving as the Acting Superintendent in the interim. 

“Colonel Settle’s leadership, character and servant’s heart have kept Virginia safe. His love of the Commonwealth, his community and the troopers he led will continue to be felt for years to come. As Superintendent of the Virginia State Police, he’s led with an unwavering commitment to our law enforcement heroes and I’m incredibly grateful for his career of service,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin.  

“Colonel Settle’s exemplary leadership, commitment to service, and decades of dedication have shaped the future of the Virginia State Police and made an indelible mark on the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thank you for your extraordinary service,” said Secretary Terry Cole. 

Reflecting on his tenure, Colonel Settle shared, “Serving Virginia by working with and leading the remarkable men and women of the Virginia State Police has been the honor of my lifetime. As I prepare to step down, I do so with immense pride in what we have accomplished together and with full confidence in the continued excellence and integrity of this esteemed agency. I am deeply grateful for the experiences, opportunities, and support afforded me by the exceptional sworn and civilian personnel within the VSP family.” 

As we honor Colonel Settle’s enduring impact, we embrace the opportunity to find new leadership that will continue to advance the proud tradition and high standards of the Virginia State Police.