
Choral Society of Pensacola Presents 'Carmina Burana'

Arts and Entertainment

February 24, 2024

From: Choral Society Of Pensacola

Experience the thrilling 20th-century musical juggernaut by Carl Orff, performed by a 160-voice chorus comprising the Choral Society of Pensacola and the University of West Florida Singers with soprano Sheila Dunn, tenor Christian Sanders, and baritone Jack Chandler. Pianists Hyunjoo Kim and Meredith Stemen appear on two nine-foot Steinways, and six percussionists round out the forces for the most spectacular concert of our season.

For the text of his masterpiece, the composer selected about two dozen poems from a medieval collection labeled “Carmina Burana” (Songs of Beuren) after its discovery in the Bavarian monastery of Benediktbeuern.

The powerful opening, “O Fortuna,” is likely to be familiar to you, as it has been popularized through its use in dozens of recent films, television programs, and commercials. For instance, check out this excerpt from John Boorman’s retelling of the King Arthur legend, “Excalibur.”

The songs that follow that passionate outcry against the capriciousness of Fate express a wide range of moods as they explore such themes as the delights of spring, the joys and sorrows of love, and the sensual pleasures of bed and bottle. While we’ll sing in Medieval Latin and Middle High German, our projection of English supertitles will ensure you understand every word.

Choose between two performances, one on Friday, March 8 at 7:30 pm, one on March 9 at 2:00 PM, both in the University of West Florida Center for Fine and performing Arts.

Dates: March 8 & 9, 2024

Location: University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 82 Service Road, Pensacola, FL 32514

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