
Bridgeport Film Fest 2023

Arts and Entertainment

August 26, 2023

From: Bridgeport Film Fest

The 2023 Bridgeport Film Fest offers both in-person and virtual screenings, as well guest speakers from the film industry and creative workshops for both youth and adults.

In-Person Screenings
Friday,  September 8
Block 1 Shuffled Shorts with Filmmaker Q&A
A film block a 90 minute block of genre bending films featuring comedy, drama, romance, thrillers, experimental and more!

Films Include:
"A LOT OF YOU ARE ASKING" directed by Liza Renzulli
"C L O N E" directed by Alexander Stephens
"RABBIT HOLE" directed by Aaron Schoonover
"NOT THE SAME CLARENCE" directed by Brian Russell & Samuel B Russell
"SOIL" directed by Sam Lambeck
"THE CURE" directed by Kolton Harris
"THE FAVOR" directed by Wanjiru Njendu
"THE GUIDE TO THE LIGHT" directed by Xiang Cao

Block 2 Made in Connecticut Block with Filmmaker Q&A
A film block celebrating the diversity of storytellers from Bridgeport and across the Nutmeg State!

Films Include:
"CONNECTICUT'S CONNECTION TO THE SEA..."directed by Jude Michael Rodricks
"EVERY OTHER KID"directed by Patrick Godino
"FORT TRUMBULL" directed by Stephanie Jean Lane
"I WISH I DIDN'T CARE" directed by Stephen Emerick
"MADE IN BRIDGEPORT" directed by Agustina Aranda
"PAST PROLOGUE" directed by Brian Russell
"PROJECTIONIST" directed by Deniz Akyurek, Noah Matalon
"THE BEAR'S DEN" directed by Daniel Herzog

Block 3: OUTSpoken: LGBTQIA+ Block with Filmmaker Q&A
A film block highlighting LGBTQIA+ stories and filmmakers!

Films Include:
"FIRECRACKER" directed by Caroline Guo
"HEAD" directed by Benjamin Hess
"LUX FREER" directed by Cynthia Gibb
"LYING IN BED ALONE, BREATHING" directed by Tris Arthur
"OUT" directed by Seth Chitwood
"THE NIGHT JAGUAR" directed by Robert Zimmer Jr.
"YOUR LOVE" directed by Sundeep Morrison

Saturday, September 9
Block 4: Latinas in the Light with Filmmaker Q&A
Kicking off Hispanic Heritage month shining a light and celebrating Latina Stories!

Films Include:
"MAMA RETREAT” directed by Eileen Álvarez
"SIX DAY FIANCÈE” directed by Roland William Boyden, Katrina Guzmán, Malena Gordo
"THE BLUE DRUM” directed by Angelita Mendoza
"MARÍA” directed by Michelle Marie Falcón Fontánez
"RO & THE STARDUST” directed by Eunice Levis
"WHEN THE SAINTS COME MARCHING BACK” directed by Gerardo Tassan

Block 5: For the Culture: Black Stories  with Filmmaker Q&A
We proudly share the resilience of Black people in this global film block by creators who are Black in front of and behind the camera!

Films Include:
"AJ'S STORY” directed by Leon, Christina Richardson
"CHOICES” directed by Kameishia D. Wooten
"INMATE” directed by Enrique Lebron
"IT WAS ALL A DREAM” directed by Aidan Un
"KIJANA MFALME [BOY KING]” directed by Cutty, LaTrice Amanda Strong
“SEQUIN” directed by Averi Israel

Block 6: Lights Out: Sweet Nightmares with Filmmaker Q&A
When you add in some thrills, chills and dash of sci-fi you get a block that will probably keep you up at night!

Films Include:
"BEACH DAY” directed by Robin Johnson
"CLOAKED” directed by Blake Hollaway, Robert La Mantia
"GONE, FISHING” directed by Justin Moriarty
"L3FT” directed by Edwin Escobar
"LEAVING YELLOWSTONE” directed by Kayla Arend
"REBIRTH” directed by Deniz Akyurek
"SHALLOW WATER” directed by Emily Breeze
"TOOTH” directed by Jillian Corsie

Sunday, September 10
Block 7 She's Got A Story: Female Filmmakers with Filmmaker Q&A
The future is female and what better way to celebrate female identifying filmmakers by having an entire block dedicated to their diverse stories.

Films Include:
"COOL FOR YOU” directed by Sherene Strausberg
"GIRL AT A BAR” directed by Angela Cohen
"GIULI - IT WAS A DREAM” directed by Meri Gelagutashvili
"IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH” directed by Sarah Smick
"OVERDUE” directed by Melissa Skirboll
"SLAM DUNK, SEHAJ!” directed by Asis Sethi
"TORN TOGETHER” directed by Melissa Kunnap
"VULTURE CITY, WYOMING” directed by Anna Shea Keating

4:00pm -5:30pm
Block 8  Stronger Minds with Filmmaker Q&A
This block highlights people who struggle and/or overcome issues with mental health!

Films Include:
"ALL EYES ON ME” directed by Ella Fox
"BREATHE” directed by Loi Huynh, Jordan Waterworth
"BREAKING THE STIGMA” directed by Jack Muscatello
"DANSE MACABRE” directed by Randal Lee Kamradt, Maria Luna Kamradt
"DRESS TO IMPRESS” directed by Alex Curtis
"HOLDING BACK” directed by Emily McKney
"LAVENDER” directed by Chloe Cobb
"REPLAY” directed by Ozzie N. Evans, Jordan DeMary
"MISOPHONIA” directed by Linda Wingerter

Virtual Views
"+70” directed by Meysam Jafarine Jadsedehi

"ANACONDA” directed by Chelsea Gonzalez

"BEYOND SKIN DEEP” directed by Stacey Larkins

"FATIH THE CONQUEROR” directed by Onur Yagiz

"GOOD VIBRATIONS" directed by Michael Jasper

"GOOMS” directed by Ana Chavez

"GREG” directed by Luke Pilgrim, Brad Kennedy

“I AM LIGHT” Directed by Julia Schönstädt

"HEAT WAVE” BY MOTEL RADIO” directed by Ynon Lan

"INTO THE WATER” directed by Kymba Helouise Nijuck

"LIGHT LEAK” directed by Nate Dorr

“LIKE A DOG” directed by Hamid Naseri Moghadam

“LOST BEYOND THE STARS” directed by Kayla Arend


“MIDNIGHT RIDE” directed by Alessandro Farrattini Pojani

“NOS VEMOS PRONTO” directed by Andrew Kirschenbaum

“OYSTER HEAVEN” directed by Stephen Hamm

“RESTLESS” directed by Dhun Sharma

"RICE CONNECTIONS” directed by Ee T. Lim

"STAR CROSSED” directed by Pat Bradley

"TABITHA TV” directed by Danielle Argyros

"TAKE IT EASY” directed by Isaiah John

‘THE COOKBOOK” directed by Pedro Chaves

"THE DINNER” directed by Anthony C. Ferreira

“THE EVENT” directed by Frank Mosley, Hugo De Sousa

“THE SPRAYER” directed by Farnoosh Abedi?

“THE UNRELIABLES” directed by Adam Linkenhelt

"TORN TOGETHER” directed by Melissa Kunnap


"WAKE” directed by Sean Rivera

"WITCH, REBORN” directed by Maria Shevtsova

Date: September 8 - 10, 2023

The Klein Memorial Auditorium
910 Fairfield Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06605

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