
American Lung Association News - August 23, 2024

Clubs and Organizations

August 23, 2024

Your support will help save lives

My name’s Laura, and I’m a Lung Health Navigator here at the American Lung Association.

My colleagues and I are the voices behind our Lung HelpLine, which serves as a resource for people to get trusted, accessible, evidenced-based and accurate information about their lung health.

Every day, I’m on the other end of the line offering support to people who are struggling with a lung disease, whether it’s for a new diagnosis or a chronic condition. Every single call is a powerful reminder of the tremendous impact donors like you make when you give to support programs like the Lung HelpLine.

That’s why I’m happy to report that thanks to this dedicated community, yesterday’s Day of Tribute was a wonderful success!

To those who gave: Thank you! You can breathe easier knowing that the gift you made in honor of your loved one will be put to work to help advance our mission to end lung disease for good. If you missed the Day of Tribute, don’t worry! You can still have a life-changing impact any time of the year when you make a gift to the Lung Association.

Regardless of how you choose to show up, your support makes a big difference for more than 34 million Americans living with lung disease. From the bottom of my heart: Thank you for making the work we do possible, friend!

Warmest regards,
Laura Huaracha BSN, RN
Lung Health Navigator
American Lung Association