Schools and Libraries
August 9, 2023
From: Alameda Free LibraryLet The Library Come To You! Sign-ups are Open.
TK-8th grade classroom teachers at schools in the City of Alameda may schedule grade-level specific classroom visits. Use the link above to find your school, choose an available date in blue and select your desired timeslot, then fill out the short questionnaire to find the visit type that best suits your class. Teachers may combine classes and schedule multiple visits throughout the year (no more than one visit per month per classroom). The more often I visit your classroom, the more often your students will visit the library. It's a win-win! All visits include information on library programs and services and the opportunity for students to apply for and receive library cards. Visit types include:
Story Share (20 minutes for grades TK-1, 30 minutes for grades 3-8): Read-aloud and class discussion.
Story Share with Craft (45 minutes, for grades K-5): Read-aloud with story inspired craft.
Book Tasting (45 minutes, for grades 3-8): Curated Library-To-Go Book Box and guided book pass.
Middle Grade Magic (30 minutes, grades 4-8) Librarian will read an excerpt from a middle grade novel and give a brief book talk.
Digital Resources Virtual Presentations (45 minutes, for grades 4-8) may be scheduled by contacting Andie Cultrera.
Book and craft options and supply lists will be emailed to you well in advance of your scheduled visit. I strive to offer books in line with your curriculum or with monthly celebrations and observations, but I'm always open to suggestions and will do my best to fulfil requests for specific themes or books.
If you are unable to find a date and time for your visit using the scheduling page, please send me an email.
Information about AFL's services and resources for educators and the scheduling link can also be found on our website.
Main Library Tours and Library-To-Go Book Boxes
Bring your class to the Main Library! Your 1 hour visit will include a read-aloud, a brief tour of the Children's Department and the opportunity for students to receive new or replacement library cards. Tours for K-5th grade classes are offered on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. You may schedule a Main Library tour for single K-5th grades classes here. If you would prefer to visit the West End or Bay Farm Island Library, are a middle school teacher, or if you have a large group of combined classes, please contact Andie Cultrera.
No time for a visit? Request a Library-To-Go Book Box, instead! Library-To-Go boxes contain supplemental, curriculum-related books to augment a specific classroom unit or provide more independent reading choices for your students. They may also be customized to relate to a specific topic; teachers may request specific books or simply indicate a topic and ask the library to find appropriate books. Your classroom may keep these books for up to 4 weeks! Check our website for more details.
Book Club Information
The Children's Department hosts book club discussion groups for children in 2nd-7th grades. Book club participants meet in-person at the Main Library’s Children’s Department one Tuesday a month, October through May. Participants discuss a new book each month in a small group setting facilitated by a library staff member.
Our peer-driven Book Club is intended for kids who like to read and talk about books; it's not a reading-level or reading intervention program.
15 participants in each club group are selected by lottery. The lottery for the 2023-2024 school year opens on 8/14/2023 and will close on 8/27/2023. Interested participants may contact the Children's Department by email at , by phone at 510-747-7705, or in person at the Main Library Children's Desk with the child's name, parent or guardian contact information, and grade level.
Beginning Book Club: Children in 2nd and 3rd grades
Meetings will typically be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 3:30
Intermediate Book Club: Children in 4th and 5th grades
Meetings will typically be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30
Advanced Book Club: Children in 6th and 7th grades
Meetings will typically be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 4:00
A Children's Mystery Book Club is coming soon to the Bay Farm Branch, too! We'll have more details on that in the coming months.
Schoolwork Help!
AFL offers library card holders access to not one but TWO online tutoring services; and Brainfuse Help Now! Check them out on our Schoolwork Help page, and find lots if other resources there, too!
Invite the Library to your Back To School Night, Community Events, or PTA meetings!
Let us host a table at your in-person events or join you virtually if you're meeting online. Please contact Andie Cultrera with requested event dates and times to get the ball rolling. We might even bring some games or stories along to share!
Get Crafty!
Enough business; lets PLAY. Creative Bug is Here! Gain access to thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists with your library card. So. Many. Great. Projects! So little time...
Fall in love with these stories!
“Color is life. Light is the mother of color. Light reveals to us the spirit and living soul of the world through colors.” - Alma Woodsey Thomas