
A History Focused Puppet Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

September 12, 2023

From: A History Focused Puppet Festival

Puppeteers, educators, enthusiasts and friends will gather at the log cabins in City Park to celebrate history through the shows "Appleseed", "Kate Shelley's Train Rescue", plus, a bilingual folktale show, a mash up of two folktales, "Tops and Bottoms," a world tale, and "The Goat in the Garden," a Puerto Rican tale. Our Hands On History program will also present historical music, crafts and games before and after the shows. 

There is no fee to attend this event. 

Date: September 24, 2023; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: City Park

200 E. Park Rd

Iowa City, Iowa 52246

Click here for more information