
2024 Bonita Springs National Art Festival

Arts and Entertainment

September 21, 2023

From: Bonita Springs National Art Festival

Apply now to be part of the February

2024 Bonita Springs

National Art Festival

“… the most highly rated art festivals in the country”

—Naples Daily News

The deadline to apply for the February 2024 art festival is Friday, September 29. Don't let this opportunity pass you by—sign up online today!*

Bonita Springs National Art Festivals:

January 13-14, 2024 (Show 1)

February 10-11, 2024 (Show 2) Deadline September 29

March 2-3, 2024 (Show 3) Deadline November 3

Apply Now

Show 1 Deadlines

Registration 9/4/2023
Notification 9/15/2023
Booth Payment 9/23/2023

Show 2 Deadlines

Registration 9/29/2023
Notification 10/13/2023
Booth Payment 10/20/2023

Show 3 Deadlines

Registration 11/3/2023
Notification 11/17/2023
Booth Payment 11/27/2023